Driving Licence Expired? Renewal Guide
As a UK motorist, you must by law ensure your driving licence is valid. If your driving licence has expired, you could be liable for a fine of up to £1,000. New driving licences are initially granted for 10 years. Although the DVLA will send you a reminder letter before your driving licence expires, it […]
Drink Driving Penalties First Offence

If you’re facing a drink driving penalty as a first offence, it’s important to understand the legal process ahead and the penalties if you’re found guilty. Drink driving offences and penalties Drink driving is a serious offence leading to a driving ban, fine, possible prison time and a criminal record. Drink driving penalties are determined […]
UK Driving Offences & Penalty Points

If convicted of a driving offence, you face penalties such as points on your licence, a fine, attending a driver awareness course or, for the more serious offences, imprisonment. A fixed penalty notice is an alternative to court prosecution where you have committed a motoring offence. In most cases, it includes both a fine and […]
Dangerous Driving: Defending a Charge!

A conviction for dangerous driving can result in penalty points, a fine, possible disqualification from driving and imprisonment, depending on the severity and circumstances of the offence. The Road Traffic Act, the Road Traffic Offenders Act and the related system of penalty points were introduced in 1988 and govern the treatment of driving offenders. According […]
Defending a Charge of Careless Driving

Careless driving is defined as the act of driving a vehicle on a road without due care and attention or without consideration for other persons on or around that road. The penalties for careless driving convictions, which include penalty points, fines, custodial sentences and disqualification periods, will be determined by the seriousness of the offence […]