Terminate a Commercial Lease (How to Guide!)

terminate commercial lease


In the UK, a commercial lease represents a binding contract. Such leases are structured to offer both the property owner (landlord) and the lessee (tenant) a measure of stability and certainty for the future.

However, there are occasions when one or both parties might find it necessary to leave the lease before its scheduled end. Reasons might include the tenant’s desire to upgrade to a bigger space, shut down their operations, or shift to a different location.

Exiting a lease involves more than simply vacating the building and handing over the keys to the property owner since the lease likely outlines specific terms concerning the commercial space.

Multiple strategies exist for terminating a commercial lease ahead of time. The approach will vary depending on whether the landlord or the tenant initiates the termination and the specific reasons behind this decision.


Options available to tenants


In the UK, tenants seeking to conclude a commercial lease have four primary avenues prematurely:


1. Utilising a Break Clause


Some leases have a ‘break clause’ allowing both tenant and landlord to terminate the agreement after a certain period.

It’s crucial to verify if your lease contains such a clause and to follow the specified notice requirements meticulously. This might involve sending a written notice a few months in advance or to a particular address specified by the landlord.

Neglecting these stipulations could render your attempt to terminate the lease void.


2. Lease Assignment


Your lease might allow you to find a replacement tenant and transfer the remaining interest. The landlord’s approval is typically necessary, as they will want to assess the new tenant’s financial reliability, references, intended use of the property, and any potential modifications they might request.

Commercial tenants frequently must guarantee future tenants’ rent payments when assigning a lease, particularly the immediate successor. This means you could remain responsible if the new tenant fails to fulfil lease obligations, such as rent payment.

If the incoming tenant is a corporate entity, its directors might also need to offer personal guarantees to the landlord.


3. Subleasing


If lease assignment or transfer is not viable, you might have the option to sublease the property to another tenant. This allows you to vacate and have a new tenant who pays you rent, which you then use to cover your obligations to the landlord. Nonetheless, you retain all responsibilities under the original lease.

Subleases often run for shorter durations than the original lease. While you can step away from the premises, you take on a more active role in managing the property and addressing any issues the sub-tenant raises.


4. Lease Surrender


Negotiating a lease surrender with the landlord might be possible without a break clause or alternative solutions. This route aims for a complete discharge from your lease obligations but usually involves compensating the landlord, an amount that should be weighed against the costs of remaining in the lease. It’s advisable to seek professional counsel to ensure you’re fully released from legal responsibilities towards the landlord.


Options for landlords


Landlords in the UK have several strategies for terminating a commercial lease ahead of its scheduled conclusion, mirroring some options available to tenants. These strategies include engaging in negotiations, offering financial incentives for the tenant to vacate, and activating a break clause if one exists within the lease agreement. Beyond these common grounds, landlords possess a unique recourse if they seek to end the lease due to the tenant’s non-compliance.

Should the tenant violate any lease conditions, the landlord may have the right to terminate the fixed-term lease through a forfeiture clause prematurely. This clause permits the landlord to reclaim the leased premises in response to the tenant’s breach.

The approach to enacting forfeiture varies based on the nature of the breach. For instance, if the tenant defaults on rent, the landlord typically does not need to issue a formal notice to the tenant before proceeding with forfeiture. Conversely, for breaches unrelated to rent payment, the landlord must issue a notice under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act 1925 detailing the breach and potentially offering an opportunity to remedy it.

To effectuate the forfeiture, the landlord can physically re-enter the premises, thereby terminating the lease, on the condition that the tenant has abandoned the property. If the tenant remains in occupation, the landlord must initiate legal proceedings for possession based on the valid grounds of forfeiture.


When a commercial lease expires


It’s a misconception that a commercial lease automatically ends upon reaching its term’s expiration. The ability of either party to terminate a commercial lease at or following its term’s end hinges on applying the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, particularly concerning ‘security of tenure.’ This concept grants tenants the right to remain on the premises beyond the lease’s expiry.

Under this legislation, a lease within its purview will not terminate upon expiry if the tenant continues to occupy the property.

Instead, termination requires the issuance of statutory notices by either the landlord or the tenant:


Section 25 Notice


Employed by landlords who wish to conclude the lease, this notice is applicable if the landlord meets one of the Section 30 grounds under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. Grounds for termination include failure to comply with repair obligations or repeated late payment of rent. Serving a Section 25 notice obstructs the tenant’s entitlement to a new lease.


Section 26 Notice


This notice can be served by tenants seeking to terminate the lease.

If the lease explicitly excludes the protections offered by the Act, the automatic right to security of tenure is forfeited, allowing for lease termination without notice upon expiry. Termination under these circumstances merely requires written notification from the initiating party.


Terminating a commercial lease FAQ


Q. Can I terminate my commercial lease early in the UK?

You can terminate a commercial lease early through several methods, including utilizing a break clause, assigning the lease to another party, subletting the premises, or negotiating a lease surrender with your landlord. Each method has specific legal and contractual requirements that must be carefully followed.


Q. What is a break clause in a commercial lease?

A break clause is a provision in a lease that allows either the tenant or the landlord to terminate the lease before the end of the agreed term, subject to certain conditions being met, such as providing advance notice in writing within specified time frames.


Q. How does assigning a commercial lease work?

Assigning a lease involves transferring your rights and obligations under the lease to a new tenant. This process typically requires the landlord’s consent and may involve the new tenant meeting specific criteria set by the landlord. The original tenant might also need to guarantee the new tenant’s obligations.


Q. What is subletting, and how does it differ from assigning a lease?

Subletting involves renting out the leased premises (or part of it) to a third party while you retain the lease with the landlord. Unlike assigning, where you transfer your interest in the lease to someone else, subletting means you remain responsible for the lease obligations to the landlord.


Q. What is a forfeiture clause, and when can landlords use it?

A forfeiture clause allows a landlord to terminate the lease if the tenant breaches certain conditions, such as failing to pay rent or violating other lease terms. The procedure for forfeiture varies based on the type of breach but can lead to the landlord taking back possession of the property.


Q. What happens when a commercial lease expires in the UK?

A commercial lease doesn’t necessarily end upon expiry if the tenant continues to occupy the premises, and the lease is protected under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, which grants security of tenure. To formally end the lease, either party must serve the appropriate statutory notice. If the Act doesn’t protect the lease, its termination upon expiry depends on the lease terms.


Q. Can a landlord refuse to renew a commercial lease?

Suppose the lease is protected under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. In that case, a landlord can refuse renewal on specific grounds outlined in the Act, such as breach of repair obligations or the landlord’s intention to redevelop the property. The landlord must serve a Section 25 notice to the tenant stating the grounds for refusal.


Q. What should I do to terminate my commercial lease if it’s ending?

Consult a legal professional specializing in commercial property to understand your rights, obligations, and the best course of action. Planning and legal advice are crucial to successfully navigating the complexities of lease termination or renewal.





Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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