Cyber Essentials Certification (Deep Dive!)


Cyber Essentials Certification offers a crucial standard for UK businesses seeking to enhance their cyber security. It provides a clear framework for organisations to protect themselves against many of the most common cyber threats. 

By adhering to the guidelines and controls outlined in Cyber Essentials, businesses can significantly mitigate the risk of cyber incidents, showcasing their commitment to security to customers, partners, and stakeholders. The certification, therefore, serves as a badge of trust and an essential tool in the fight against cyber threats, aligning with the National Cyber Strategy to bolster the UK’s cyber resilience.


Section A: Cybersecurity Risks to Businesses in the UK 


UK businesses continue to face a multifaceted cyber threat landscape, mainly due to the accelerated digital transformation and increased cloud adoption many companies have undertaken. 

Moreover, familiar threats like ransomware, business email compromise, and ‘hack and leak’ attacks continued to pose significant risks, with a notable percentage of UK organisations expecting an increase in these cyber incidents .

Cyber incidents, encompassing cybercrime, IT network disruptions, malware/ransomware, and data breaches, were identified as the top risk to UK businesses, per the Allianz Risk Barometer. The evolving nature of cyber threats, with hackers leveraging new technologies like AI to increase the sophistication of their attacks, underscores the critical need for businesses to prioritise cyber resilience. The prevalence of phishing attacks as a common and disruptive security breach further emphasises the necessity for continuous vigilance and robust security measures .

The Cyber Security Breaches Survey conducted by the UK Government highlighted the ongoing efforts and challenges in cyber resilience among UK businesses and charities. Some organisations sought external information or guidance on cyber security, yet many still need to be made aware of government guidance and endorsed standards like Cyber Essentials. This lack of awareness and adherence to recognised standards underscores the need for improved engagement and understanding of cyber security at all organisational levels .


Section B: Introduction to Cyber Essentials Certification


1. What is Cyber Essentials Certification?


Cyber Essentials Certification is a prominent UK government-backed, industry-supported scheme to help organisations protect themselves against online threats. 

Since launching in 2014, Cyber Essentials has become a prerequisite for suppliers bidding for certain UK government contracts involving sensitive and personal information. This demonstrates the government’s effort to encourage the widespread adoption of basic cyber hygiene practices across businesses and organisations . 

It’s suitable for organisations of all sizes and sectors, aiming to establish a foundational level of cyber security by implementing basic technical controls .

The scheme operates under the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) oversight and encourages organisations to adopt sound information security practices. It includes an assurance framework and simple security controls focused on protecting information from internet-originated threats. The certification process has seen significant updates, including expansions to include all cloud services and adjustments to requirements for multi-factor authentication, passwords, and PINs .

Cyber Essentials offers two levels of certification: the basic Cyber Essentials and the more rigorous Cyber Essentials Plus. 

The basic level involves a self-assessment, where organisations review their own cyber security measures against the scheme’s standards. They complete an online assessment that is then reviewed by a Cyber Essentials Assessor. 

Cyber Essentials Plus takes this further by requiring independent validation of the organisation’s cyber security measures by an accredited third party .

The scheme emphasises five technical controls: using firewalls and internet gateways, secure configuration, access control, malware protection, and patch management. These controls are detailed in the Cyber Essentials guidance and are crucial for protecting against the most common cyber attacks .

Cyber Essentials Certification offers a foundational level of cybersecurity crucial for all UK businesses, irrespective of size. It not only helps protect against a significant proportion of common cyber threats but also confers several business advantages, including the potential for reduced insurance premiums, improved operational efficiency, and the ability to bid on government contracts. 

Given the rising awareness and concern over cyber threats among consumers and clients, achieving and maintaining this certification can significantly bolster a business’s security posture, credibility, and competitive edge in the marketplace.


2. Why Cyber Essentials Certification Matters for UK Businesses


Cyber Essentials Certification is crucial for UK businesses for several reasons, not least the protection it offers against most cyber threats. 


a. Protection Against Cyber Attacks

Implementing the measures recommended by Cyber Essentials can significantly reduce a business’s vulnerability to cyber-attacks. Research from the University of Portsmouth indicated that more than 80% of cyber attacks affecting UK businesses could be thwarted by basic security controls like those advocated by Cyber Essentials .


b. Eligibility for Government Tenders

Since 1 October 2014, Cyber Essentials has been a requirement for businesses seeking specific government contracts, especially those involving handling sensitive and personal information or providing certain IT products and services . This positions the certification as a protective measure and a business advantage in securing government contracts.


c. Reduction in Insurance Premiums

Cyber Essentials certification can also lead to financial benefits such as reduced insurance premiums. Compliance with the scheme signals to insurers that your business takes cybersecurity seriously and has implemented steps to reduce exposure to cyber threats. Some businesses might even be eligible for free cyber insurance, subject to certain conditions, like turnover under £20 million and certification with an IASME certification body .


d. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

By adopting the best practices recommended by Cyber Essentials, businesses can identify and rectify inefficiencies and vulnerabilities within their systems. This improves security and can enhance overall operational efficiency and productivity .


e. Building Trust

Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates a business’s commitment to data security, which can significantly enhance trust with customers, partners, and suppliers. In an era where data breaches are costly and damaging to a company’s reputation, a government-backed certification can reassure stakeholders that you take cybersecurity seriously .


Section C: The Five Key Controls of Cyber Essentials

The five critical controls of Cyber Essentials are designed to protect against common cyber threats. They include using firewalls to secure internet connections, ensuring secure settings for devices and software, controlling access to data and services, protecting against viruses and other malware, and keeping devices and software up to date. These controls help improve defences and demonstrate a commitment to cybersecurity .


1. Firewalls and Internet Gateways: Importance and implementation basics

Firewalls and Internet Gateways are fundamental to the Cyber Essentials scheme, acting as a critical first line of defence in securing an organisation’s internet connection. They create a ‘buffer zone’ between the organisation’s internal network and external networks, such as the Internet, by monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. Implementing firewalls involves configuring them to deny unauthorised access while allowing legitimate communication to pass. The basic principle is to minimise the attack surface by ensuring only necessary traffic is allowed, significantly reducing the risk of cyber threats penetrating the network.


2. Secure Configuration: How to ensure systems are securely set up

Secure configuration is about adjusting the default settings of new software and devices to strengthen security. Default configurations are often set for easy connectivity and functionality, making them vulnerable to unauthorised access. Secure configuration involves:

a. Turning off unnecessary features.

b. Closing open network ports not in use.

c. Changing default passwords to solid and unique alternatives.

d. Ensuring the least privilege principle is applied to system access.

This process reduces potential exploitation opportunities for cyber attackers, making it a critical step in safeguarding an organisation’s data and systems.


3. User Access Control: Managing user permissions effectively

User Access Control is a crucial aspect of the Cyber Essentials certification, focusing on limiting access to systems and data to only those who need it to perform their roles. This involves setting up accounts with the necessary permissions for each user, ensuring that users have access only to the resources they require. Managing permissions effectively minimise potential damage from internal and external threats, such as misuse or theft of credentials. It’s about implementing the principle of least privilege across the organisation to enhance security.


4. Malware Protection: Strategies for defending against malware

Malware protection, as outlined in the Cyber Essentials certification, involves implementing measures to defend against malicious software that could harm an organisation’s IT systems. Key strategies include installing and regularly updating antivirus software to detect and remove malware, ensuring all devices and software are up-to-date with the latest security patches, and educating users on recognising and avoiding phishing attempts and other common malware distribution methods. Adequate malware protection requires a proactive approach to monitor and respond to threats, safeguarding data integrity, confidentiality, and availability.


5. Patch Management: Keeping software up to date to prevent vulnerabilities

Patch Management, a critical control in the Cyber Essentials scheme, emphasises the importance of keeping software and systems current. Regular updates and patches are vital to address vulnerabilities that cyber attackers could exploit. This process involves systematically identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for all software and systems within the organisation. Effective patch management not only secures against known vulnerabilities but also ensures the stability and reliability of IT environments, reducing the risk of security breaches and enhancing overall cybersecurity posture.


Section D: How to Get Cyber Essentials Certified


To achieve Cyber Essentials certification, organisations should first understand the scheme’s requirements and assess their current cybersecurity posture against the Cyber Essentials criteria. 

They should implement the necessary controls to meet the scheme’s standards. 

Engaging your team in cybersecurity training to recognise and mitigate risks is crucial. Common pitfalls to avoid include overlooking internal threats, neglecting regular software updates, and underestimating the importance of user education. Adequate preparation and awareness can significantly smooth the certification process.

The application process involves completing a self-assessment questionnaire, which is then submitted to an accredited certification body for review. 

To find a Cyber Essentials certification body in the UK, look for organisations accredited by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Please make your selection based on their expertise, experience, and the services they offer that match your business needs. 

During the assessment, expect a review of your cybersecurity measures against Cyber Essentials criteria, including your firewall configurations, access controls, malware protection, and patch management practices. 

The assessor may provide feedback or require further evidence to ensure compliance with the certification’s standards.

Successfully meeting the standards grants certification, showcasing your commitment to cybersecurity.

Upon successful assessment, the organisation is awarded the Cyber Essentials certification. For those seeking higher validation, Cyber Essentials Plus offers a more in-depth verification involving an on-site audit.


Section E: After Certification: Maintaining Compliance and Security


After achieving Cyber Essentials certification, maintaining compliance involves regular reviews and updates to your cybersecurity practices. Continuous monitoring and improvement are essential, ensuring new threats are identified and mitigated promptly. Regularly update systems and software, conduct frequent security assessments, and train staff on the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. This proactive approach maintains certification and enhances your organisation’s overall security posture, protecting against evolving cyber threats.


Section F: Article Summary 


Cyber Essentials Certification is paramount for UK businesses seeking to bolster cybersecurity defences. It demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding data against cyber threats. It enhances security, builds client trust, lowers insurance costs, and is a prerequisite for specific government contracts. 


Section G: Cyber Essentials Certification FAQs


What are Cyber Essentials? 

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed cybersecurity certification scheme that outlines basic measures for protecting organisations against cyber threats.


Who needs Cyber Essentials? 

Any organisation, regardless of size or sector, looking to improve its cybersecurity posture and work with UK government contracts should consider certification.


Cyber Essentials vs. Cyber Essentials Plus – what’s the difference? 

Cyber Essentials involves self-assessment, while Cyber Essentials Plus requires an external audit of your cybersecurity practices.


How much does certification cost? 

Costs vary depending on the certifying body and whether you opt for Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus.


How can I prepare my business for certification? 

Begin with a self-assessment against the Cyber Essentials criteria, then address any gaps in your cybersecurity practices.


How often does the certification need to be renewed?

Cyber Essentials certification is typically renewed annually to ensure ongoing compliance and security.




Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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