Back Injury Claims & Compensation

back injury claim

Even a relatively minor back injury can be debilitating, while more serious back injuries can cause devastating long-term complications. Coming to terms with the impact of a back injury on your life can be hard enough, although knowing that an injury could have been avoided, but for the carelessness, recklessness or wrongdoing on the part […]

Claim For Chemical Peel Gone Wrong

claim for chemical peel gone wrong

Chemical peels are a popular cosmetic treatment now widely used in the UK to improve the appearance of facial skin or other parts of the body, such as the neck or hands. However, occasionally things can go wrong, leaving the patient with severe burns, scarring or other long-lasting or permanent damage. If you have suffered […]

Assault Compensation: How Much Could You Get?

assault compensation

If you’ve sustained an injury as a result of an assault for which you were not to blame, you may be entitled to claim compensation from the government-funded Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). The following practical guide for victims of assault looks at the different aspects of claiming assault compensation from the CICA, from how […]

PTSD Compensation Claims Guide

ptsd compensation claims

If you are suffering mentally from the after-effects of an accident or other traumatic event that was someone else’s fault, you may be able to claim compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The following PTSD compensation claims guide looks at the circumstances in which you can claim for PTSD, the different types of PTSD claim, […]

Criminal Injuries Compensation CICA Claims

Criminal Injuries Compensation CICA Claims

If you have been the victim of a violent crime resulting in injury, you may be eligible to claim criminal injuries compensation. The following guide to the criminal injuries compensation authority (CICA) examines in detail how CICA criminal injury claims work — from what constitutes a criminal injury and who qualifies for compensation, to how […]