Choosing the Right Will Solicitors in the UK


Creating a will is one of the most important steps you can take to protect your loved ones and ensure your wishes are followed after your death.

A will is a legally binding document that outlines how your assets should be distributed, who should take care of your minor children, and other final wishes you may have.

Without a will, the distribution of your estate will be determined by UK intestacy laws, which may not align with your personal wishes. This can lead to unnecessary stress and confusion for your family during an already difficult time.

While it might seem straightforward to write a will, the process can be complex. There are legal requirements to be met and potential pitfalls to avoid to ensure your will is valid and enforceable.

This complexity makes the expertise of professional will solicitors invaluable. Solicitors provide personalised advice tailored to your specific situation, ensuring that your will is comprehensive and legally sound. They can help avoid common mistakes that could render your will invalid or lead to disputes among your beneficiaries.

In this guide, we set out the key factors to consider when looking for a wills solicitor, to help you make an informed decision and give you peace of mind that your loved ones will be taken care of in accordance witjh your wishes.


Section A: Overview of the Will Market in the UK


The will market in the UK plays a crucial role in estate planning, providing individuals with the means to legally document their wishes regarding the distribution of their assets after death. This market encompasses a range of services, from traditional high-street solicitors to online will-writing platforms catering to diverse needs and preferences.

The UK will market continues to evolve to meet the changing needs and preferences of the population. Increased awareness, technological advancements, and shifts in societal norms are driving changes in how wills are created and managed.


1. Size of the UK Wills Market


The UK wills and probate market is a substantial and growing sector, estimated to be worth around £2.6 billion in 2023, according to IRN Research. This represents a 5.4% increase from the previous year, indicating steady market expansion. The ageing population is a key driver, with an increasing number of adults over 55 projected by 2027.

While traditional will writing may see some growth, a stronger demand is expected for Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) and contentious probate services, reflecting the need for legal support in managing financial affairs and navigating complex inheritance situations. This trend suggests a market shift towards a broader range of services beyond basic wills.


2. Statistics on the Number of People with Wills


Despite the clear benefits, a significant portion of the UK population does not have a will. Public awareness of wills in the UK remains low, with a significant portion of the population lacking proper estate planning. Recent research by Canada Life found that over half (50%) of UK adults do not have a will. This translates to roughly 33 million people potentially leaving their loved ones to navigate complex legal and financial issues in their absence.

The reasons for this gap vary, with some believing their estates are too small or simply not considering the future. This lack of preparation can lead to unnecessary stress and family disputes during an already difficult time.

Will ownership also varies by gender and region; men are slightly more likely to have a will than women, with 42% of men reporting having a will compared to 38% of women, and there are higher percentages of wills in areas such as London and the South East compared to the North of England and Scotland.


3. Recent Trends and Changes in the Market


The will market in the UK has experienced several notable trends and changes in recent years:


a. Increased Awareness and Education

There has been a concerted effort by legal professionals, charities, and government bodies to raise awareness about the importance of having a will. Campaigns such as “Will Aid” and “Free Wills Month” have helped increase public awareness and accessibility.


b. Growth of Online Will-Writing Services

The rise of digital technology has significantly impacted the will market. Online will-writing services have become increasingly popular, offering a convenient and often more affordable alternative to traditional solicitors. These services typically provide step-by-step guides and templates that users can customise to their needs.


c. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on many aspects of life, including the will market. The pandemic prompted a surge in will-making as individuals became more aware of their mortality and sought to ensure their affairs were in order. This led to innovations such as virtual consultations and electronic signing of wills, adapting to social distancing requirements.


d. Changing Family Dynamics

Modern family structures have become more complex, with blended families, cohabitation, and civil partnerships becoming more common. This complexity has increased the demand for specialised legal advice to navigate these situations and ensure fair and equitable distribution of assets.


e. Legal and Regulatory Changes

There have been ongoing updates to laws and regulations governing wills and estates, including adjustments to inheritance tax rules and probate processes. These changes necessitate staying informed and often seeking professional advice to ensure compliance and optimal planning.


f. Consumer Demand for Transparency and Trust

As consumers become more informed and discerning, there is a growing demand for transparency in pricing and services offered by will solicitors. Clients are increasingly looking for clear communication, transparent fees, and trustworthy advisors who can provide tailored advice.


g. Focus on Digital Legacy

With the increasing importance of digital assets, such as social media accounts and online financial portfolios, there is a growing need for wills to address the management and distribution of these digital legacies. This adds another layer of complexity to will creation.


Section B: Why You Need a Will Solicitor


Creating a will is a crucial step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your death. While it may seem straightforward to write a will on your own, the process necessarily involves complexities that require legal expertise.

A will solicitor brings invaluable knowledge and experience, ensuring that your will complies with all legal requirements and is clearly articulated to avoid ambiguities and disputes. They provide tailored advice based on your unique circumstances, helping you navigate intricate estate laws and future-proof your will against changes in your life or the legal environment.

By using a solicitor, you can avoid common pitfalls such as invalid wills, disputes among beneficiaries, and unintended tax liabilities. Ultimately, a will solicitor offers peace of mind, knowing that your estate will be handled as you intended, providing security and clarity for your loved ones.


1. Importance of Legal Expertise in Will Creation


Creating a will is not just about deciding who gets what after you pass away; it’s a complex legal document that needs to comply with various laws and regulations to be valid and enforceable. Legal expertise can help ensure:


a. Compliance with Legal Requirements: A will must meet specific legal standards to be valid. This includes proper witnessing, correct wording, and adherence to the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is created. A solicitor ensures all these criteria are met.


b. Clarity and Precision: Legal jargon can be confusing. Solicitors use precise language to avoid ambiguities that could lead to misinterpretation or disputes.


c. Understanding of Estate Laws: Estate laws can be intricate, especially regarding taxes, trusts, and probate. Solicitors have the knowledge to navigate these complexities and provide sound advice.


2. Benefits of Using a Solicitor Over DIY Wills


While DIY will kits and online templates are available, they can present risks, which highlight the benefits of opting for a professional solicitor:


a. Tailored Advice: Solicitors provide personalised advice based on your specific circumstances, such as family dynamics, financial situation, and long-term goals.


b. Error-Free Documents: DIY wills are prone to errors, omissions, and misinterpretations. A solicitor ensures that all necessary information is included and correctly presented.


c. Future-Proofing: Life circumstances change, and so do laws. Solicitors can help you update your will to reflect changes in your life and the legal environment.


d. Complex Situations: If you have a complicated estate, such as multiple properties, business interests, or beneficiaries with special needs, a solicitor can provide expert guidance on how to handle these complexities.


e. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your will has been professionally prepared provides peace of mind that your wishes will be honoured and your loved ones will be taken care of.


3. Potential Legal Issues Avoided by Using a Solicitor


By using a solicitor, you can avoid numerous legal issues that could arise from improperly drafted wills:


a. Invalid Wills: Incorrect witnessing procedures or failure to comply with legal formalities can render a will invalid. A solicitor ensures all legal requirements are met.


b. Disputes Among Beneficiaries: Ambiguous wording or unequal distributions can lead to disputes among beneficiaries. Solicitors draft clear and precise documents to minimise the risk of conflict.


c. Intestacy Issues: Without a valid will, your estate will be distributed according to intestacy laws, which may not reflect your wishes. A solicitor helps you avoid this by ensuring your will is legally sound.


d. Tax Implications: Poorly drafted wills can result in higher inheritance taxes or unintended tax liabilities. Solicitors provide advice on how to structure your estate to minimise tax burdens.


e. Excluded Assets or Beneficiaries: DIY wills might overlook important assets or beneficiaries. Solicitors conduct thorough reviews to ensure everything is accounted for.


f. Challenges to the Will: Wills can be contested on grounds such as lack of mental capacity, undue influence, or fraud. Solicitors take steps to mitigate these risks by ensuring proper procedures and documentation.


Section C: Types of Will Solicitors


There are various types of solicitors and services available to cater to different needs, budgets and preferences when creating a will.

Each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these can help you make the best decision for your estate planning needs.


1. High Street Solicitors


High street solicitors are traditional law firms that provide a broad range of legal services, including will writing. These firms are typically located in local high streets, making them easily accessible to the community.

High street solicitors offer several advantages and disadvantages when it comes to will writing services. One of the key benefits is the opportunity for personal interaction. Clients can have face-to-face meetings, allowing for thorough discussions about their estate and any specific concerns. Additionally, high street solicitors often provide a comprehensive range of legal services beyond will writing, such as probate, trusts, and estate planning, which can be convenient for those needing additional legal support. Many high street solicitors have an established reputation with a long-standing presence in the community, which fosters a sense of trust and reliability.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. The cost of services provided by high street solicitors can be higher compared to online alternatives due to overhead expenses. Availability can sometimes also be limited, which could be inconvenient for clients with urgent needs.


2. Online Will Writing Services


Online will writing services have gained popularity in recent years, offering a convenient and cost-effective way to create a will from the comfort of your home. These services typically provide templates and step-by-step guides to help users draft their wills.

Online will writing services come with several advantages and disadvantages. One major benefit is convenience, as wills can be created at any time without the need for in-person meetings, making it ideal for those with busy schedules. These services are also cost-effective, usually more affordable than traditional solicitors, which appeals to budget-conscious individuals. Additionally, the process of creating a will online can be quick, with some services offering instant document generation.

However, there are notable drawbacks. Online services may provide limited personalisation, as their templates might not cater to the specific needs of complex estates or unique situations. The absence of face-to-face interaction with a solicitor can be a disadvantage for those requiring detailed legal guidance. Moreover, without professional review, there is a higher risk of errors that could render the will invalid.


3. Specialist Will Solicitors


Specialist will solicitors focus exclusively on wills, estates, and probate law. They have in-depth knowledge and experience in these areas, making them well-equipped to handle complex and high-value estates.

Specialist solicitors offer several notable advantages in estate planning. Their extensive training and experience ensure high-quality advice and service, particularly for complex cases such as blended families, large estates, and intricate tax planning. These solicitors provide highly personalised advice and solutions, ensuring that all aspects of your estate are carefully considered.

However, there are also disadvantages to using specialist solicitors. The specialist nature of their services often comes with a higher price tag, making them more expensive than general practitioners. Additionally, specialist solicitors may not be as readily available, and finding one may require more effort.


Section D: Key Services Provided by Will Solicitors


Will solicitors offer a range of essential services to ensure that your estate planning is thorough, legally sound, and reflective of your wishes.


1. Drafting and Reviewing Wills


Drafting a will involves more than just listing your assets and naming beneficiaries; it requires careful consideration and legal expertise. A solicitor ensures that your will is comprehensive and legally valid by tailoring it to your specific needs, taking into account your unique circumstances, such as your family structure, assets, and particular wishes. They ensure legal compliance by adhering to the requirements for will creation, including correct signing and witnessing procedures, to guarantee the will’s validity and enforceability. Solicitors also use precise terminology to avoid ambiguities and prevent misunderstandings or disputes among beneficiaries.

Regular review and updates of your will are crucial to reflect changes in your life circumstances or legislation. Solicitors conduct periodic reviews, recommending that you review your will every few years or after significant life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or acquiring significant assets. They help identify and implement necessary amendments to ensure your will remains relevant and effective.


2. Advising on Inheritance Tax


Inheritance tax (IHT) can significantly impact the value of your estate passed on to your beneficiaries.

Will solicitors provide expert advice to minimise the IHT burden by helping you understand the tax implications and how IHT applies to your estate. They identify and apply various exemptions and reliefs, such as the nil-rate band, residence nil-rate band, and charitable donations, to reduce your estate’s taxable value. Additionally, solicitors suggest tax-efficient strategies like lifetime gifts, setting up trusts, and structuring your will to optimise tax efficiency and protect the value of your estate.


3. Setting Up Trusts


Trusts are powerful tools for managing and protecting your assets, offering flexibility and control over how your estate is distributed. Will solicitors assist by creating different types of trusts tailored to your needs, such as discretionary trusts, life interest trusts, or bare trusts. They ensure that trust documents are correctly drafted to reflect your wishes and comply with legal requirements. Additionally, solicitors provide guidance on selecting trustees and explain their roles and responsibilities, ensuring the trust is managed effectively.


4. Handling Complex Family Situations


Family dynamics can complicate estate planning, but solicitors are experienced in handling a range of complex family situations. They address issues arising from blended families, ensuring fair and equitable distribution of assets among remarriages and stepchildren. Solicitors also navigate sensitive situations involving estranged relatives, making provisions that reflect your wishes.

For dependants with special needs, they create plans to provide for them through specialist trusts. In addition, for family-owned businesses, solicitors offer advice on succession planning to ensure the smooth transfer of ownership and management.


5. Storage and Updates of Wills


Will solicitors provide secure storage services, protecting your will from damage, loss, or unauthorised access. They also facilitate easy updates to your will, ensuring any changes in your circumstances or wishes are promptly reflected. Additionally, solicitors can provide certified copies of your will, which can be useful for executors and beneficiaries. Some also offer to register your will with national will registries, making it easier to locate after your death.


Section E: How to Choose the Right Will Solicitor


Selecting the right will solicitor is crucial to ensuring that your will is comprehensive, legally sound, and reflective of your wishes. By conducting thorough research, asking the right questions, and ensuring you feel comfortable with the solicitor, you can select a professional who will provide expert guidance and ensure your will is legally sound and tailored to your specific needs.


1. Credentials and Qualifications


Ensure the solicitor is a member of professional bodies such as the Law Society of England and Wales or the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). Membership in these organisations indicates a commitment to high standards and ongoing professional development.

Look for solicitors with relevant accreditations, such as the Law Society’s Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS) or STEP accreditation. These accreditations demonstrate specialised knowledge and expertise in wills and estate planning.

Verify that the solicitor holds the necessary legal qualifications and is registered with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). This ensures they are authorised to practice law and are held to strict ethical standards.


2. Experience and Areas of Expertise


Consider solicitors with significant experience in wills and estate planning. More years of practice often translate to a deeper understanding of complex legal issues and a track record of successful cases.

Look for solicitors who specialise in wills, trusts, and probate law. Specialists are more likely to be up-to-date with the latest legal developments and have a thorough understanding of intricate estate planning matters.

Ask for examples of similar cases they have handled. This can give you an idea of their expertise and how they approach different situations, such as blended families, business succession planning, or complex tax issues.


3. Client Reviews and Testimonials


Check online reviews on platforms such as Google, Trustpilot, or legal-specific sites like ReviewSolicitors. Pay attention to overall ratings and read detailed reviews to understand the experiences of past clients.

Look for testimonials on the solicitor’s website or request references from previous clients. Positive testimonials and referrals from satisfied clients can provide confidence in the solicitor’s abilities and service quality.

Consider the solicitor’s reputation in the community and among peers. A well-respected solicitor is more likely to deliver high-quality service and have strong professional integrity.


4. Accessibility and Communication


Choose a solicitor whose office location and hours are convenient for you. Proximity can be important for face-to-face meetings, especially for initial consultations and signing documents.

Ensure the solicitor is accessible through multiple communication channels, such as phone, email, and in-person meetings. Efficient and clear communication is essential for addressing your questions and keeping you informed throughout the process.

Assess how promptly the solicitor responds to your inquiries. Quick and responsive communication indicates a high level of client care and commitment to service.


5. Initial Consultations and Asking the Right Questions


Many solicitors offer a free initial consultation. Use this opportunity to discuss your needs, gauge their expertise, and see if you feel comfortable working with them.

Prepare a list of questions to ask during the consultation. Key questions include:


a. What are your qualifications and experience in will writing and estate planning?

b. Are you a member of any professional bodies or hold any special accreditations?

c. Can you provide examples of similar cases you have handled?

d. How do you charge for your services, and what is included in your fee?

e. How do you keep up with changes in the law and best practices?

f. What is your process for drafting and reviewing wills?

g. How will you keep me informed throughout the process?

h. What happens if I need to update my will in the future?


Evaluate whether the solicitor listens to your concerns, provides clear and comprehensive answers, and demonstrates a genuine interest in helping you. A good rapport and trust are essential for a productive working relationship.


Section F: Costs Involved in Hiring a Will Solicitor


Will writing fees can vary significantly depending on the complexity of your will, the solicitor’s expertise, and your geographical location. Simple wills typically range from £150 to £300, while more complex wills involving trusts or multiple properties can cost between £300 and £1,000 or more.

Additional services, such as inheritance tax planning or setting up powers of attorney, may incur extra charges.

Many solicitors offer various payment options, including fixed fees, hourly rates, and payment plans, to accommodate different financial situations. By considering these aspects, you can choose a will solicitor who provides the best value for your needs, balancing affordability with quality for comprehensive and reliable legal advice.


1. Breakdown of Typical Costs


The cost of hiring a will solicitor can vary significantly based on several factors, including the complexity of the will, the solicitor’s expertise, and the region. Typical costs involved include:


a. Simple Wills

For a straightforward will, which covers basic assets and distributions without complicated provisions, the cost usually ranges from £150 to £300.


b. Complex Wills

Complex wills, which might include setting up trusts, handling business interests, or catering to blended families, can cost between £300 and £1,000 or more, depending on the complexity and the solicitor’s experience.


c. Mirror Wills

Mirror wills, designed for couples who wish to create identical wills, often cost slightly less per will when done together, typically ranging from £250 to £600 for both wills.


d. Additional Services

Services like inheritance tax planning, creating lasting powers of attorney, or drafting letters of wishes may incur additional fees, often ranging from £100 to £500 per service.


e. Consultation Fees

Some solicitors may charge an initial consultation fee, typically between £50 and £150, though many offer a free initial consultation.


2. Factors Affecting the Price


Several factors influence the price of hiring a will solicitor. The complexity of your estate and personal situation plays a significant role, with more intricate cases requiring additional time and expertise.

The solicitor’s qualifications and experience also impact the cost, as highly specialised or accredited professionals often charge higher fees for their services.

Geographical location is another important factor, as solicitors in major cities typically have higher rates compared to those in smaller towns. The reputation and size of the law firm can further affect pricing, with established and well-known firms generally commanding premium rates.

Additionally, any extra services, such as ongoing will storage, regular updates, or detailed tax advice, can increase the overall cost.


3. Value for Money: Balancing Cost and Quality


When selecting a will solicitor, you will want to balance cost and quality to ensure you receive good value for money. Consider the following tips:


a. Assessing Expertise

While it might be tempting to choose the cheapest option, consider the solicitor’s qualifications, experience, and areas of specialisation. A slightly higher fee might be worth the assurance that your will is expertly drafted and comprehensive.


b. Comparing Services

Look at what is included in the price. Some solicitors might offer additional services, such as free will storage or regular updates, which can add value.


c. Client Reviews

Read reviews and testimonials to gauge client satisfaction and the quality of service provided. Positive feedback and a solid reputation can justify higher costs.


d. Transparent Pricing

Choose a solicitor who provides clear and transparent pricing. Avoid those with hidden fees or vague cost structures. A detailed quote should outline what is included and any potential additional costs.


e. Consider the Long-Term Benefits

Investing in a well-drafted will can save money and prevent disputes in the long run. The peace of mind knowing your estate will be handled according to your wishes is invaluable.


4. Payment Plans and Options


Solicitors use different pricing and payment structures for their services. It will be important to clarify with any will solicitor which pricing structure they will use to help you budget accordingly and avoid any unexpected charges or fees.


a. Fixed Fees

Many solicitors offer fixed-fee services for drafting wills, which can provide certainty about the cost from the outset. This is particularly useful for budgeting purposes.


b. Hourly Rate

Some solicitors charge by the hour, especially for complex cases. Hourly rates can range from £100 to £300 or more, depending on the solicitor’s experience and location.


c. Payment Plans

To make their services more accessible, some solicitors offer payment plans, allowing clients to spread the cost over several months. This can be particularly helpful for more expensive, complex wills.


d. Bundled Services

Consider bundled services where solicitors offer packages that include will drafting, power of attorney, and other estate planning services at a discounted rate. These packages can offer better value compared to purchasing each service separately.


e. Free Will Services

Occasionally, charities and other organisations offer free or heavily discounted will-writing services, typically in exchange for a donation or bequest. While these services can be a good option for simple wills, they may not be suitable for more complex estates.


Section G: Common Mistakes to Avoid


Selecting the right will solicitor is a crucial step in ensuring your estate planning is effective and legally sound. However, there are several common mistakes people make during this process. Being aware of these pitfalls can help you make a more informed decision and secure the best possible service for your needs.


1. Choosing a Solicitor Solely Based on Price


Opting for the cheapest solicitor can be tempting, especially if you are on a budget. However, focusing solely on price often leads to compromising on the quality of service and expertise.

Lower-priced services might not provide the comprehensive legal advice and thoroughness required for a legally sound will. Solicitors who charge significantly less may have less experience or might cut corners to reduce costs, potentially leading to errors or omissions that could invalidate your will.

Instead of choosing the least expensive option, consider the solicitor’s qualifications, experience, and reputation. Look for a balance between cost and quality to ensure you receive reliable and thorough legal advice.


2. Not Asking Enough Questions


Failing to ask detailed questions during your initial consultations can result in choosing a solicitor who may not fully meet your needs or expectations.

Not asking questions can leave you unaware of the solicitor’s specific experience, the services they provide, or their approach to handling your will. This lack of information can lead to misunderstandings or dissatisfaction with the final service.

Prepare a list of questions to ask during your consultations. Inquire about their experience with cases similar to yours, their process for drafting and reviewing wills, how they handle updates, and their fee structure. This will help you gauge their suitability and ensure they can meet your specific requirements.


3. Overlooking the Importance of Experience


Underestimating the value of experience in will and estate planning can lead to choosing a solicitor who is not adequately equipped to handle complex situations.

Experienced solicitors are more likely to have encountered a wide range of scenarios and are better prepared to address any unique challenges your estate may present. They can provide more nuanced advice and are often more adept at avoiding common pitfalls.

Look for solicitors who specialise in wills and estate planning and have several years of relevant experience. Check their professional qualifications and memberships in accredited bodies like STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners). An experienced solicitor can offer more reliable and tailored advice.


4. Ignoring Reviews and Testimonials


Disregarding client reviews and testimonials can prevent you from gaining valuable insights into the solicitor’s track record and client satisfaction.

Reviews and testimonials provide firsthand accounts of other clients’ experiences with the solicitor. Ignoring them can result in missing out on important information about the solicitor’s reliability, communication skills, and overall service quality.

Research online reviews on platforms such as Google, Trustpilot, or legal-specific review sites. Pay attention to both positive and negative feedback to get a balanced view. Additionally, ask the solicitor for references or testimonials from previous clients to help you better understand their strengths and weaknesses and make a more informed decision.


Section H: Debunking Common Myths About Will Solicitors


Debunking these myths highlights the importance and value of hiring a professional solicitor to draft and manage your will. By understanding the realities, you can make informed decisions and ensure your estate is handled according to your wishes, providing security and clarity for you and your loved ones.


Myth 1: You Don’t Need a Solicitor to Write a Will

While it is possible to write your own will using DIY kits or online templates, these methods come with significant risks. A solicitor ensures that your will is legally valid and accurately reflects your wishes. They help avoid common mistakes that can lead to disputes or the will being declared invalid. Solicitors also provide expert advice on complex issues like tax planning, trusts, and handling complicated family situations.


Myth 2: Solicitors Are Too Expensive

While hiring a solicitor involves costs, the expense is often justified by the peace of mind and legal assurance they provide. The cost of using a solicitor for a simple will is relatively modest, typically ranging from £150 to £300. For more complex estates, the higher fees reflect the additional work and expertise required. Moreover, the cost of resolving disputes or correcting mistakes from a DIY will can far exceed the cost of hiring a solicitor.


Myth 3: Only Wealthy People Need Solicitors for Their Wills

Regardless of the size of your estate, having a properly drafted will is crucial. A solicitor ensures that your assets, no matter how modest, are distributed according to your wishes. They also help address important issues like guardianship for minor children, care for dependents with special needs, and specific bequests to loved ones or charities. Everyone can benefit from the clarity and security a professionally drafted will provides.


Myth 4: You Only Need a Will When You’re Older

Life is unpredictable, and having a will is important at any age. Young adults, especially those with children, property, or significant assets, should have a will to ensure their wishes are respected. A will provides clear instructions for the distribution of your assets and care for your dependents, regardless of your age.


Myth 5: Once a Will Is Written, It Cannot Be Changed

Wills are not set in stone and can be updated or revised as your circumstances change. Significant life events, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or acquiring new assets, often necessitate updates to your will. A solicitor can help you make these changes to ensure your will continues to reflect your current wishes and situation.


Myth 6: All Solicitors Are the Same

Not all solicitors specialise in wills and estate planning. It’s important to choose a solicitor with specific expertise and experience in this area. Specialist will solicitors are more likely to be up-to-date with the latest laws and best practices, ensuring a more reliable and comprehensive service. Look for solicitors with relevant qualifications and memberships in professional bodies like the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).


Myth 7: Solicitors Only Handle Complicated Wills

Solicitors handle wills of all complexities, from simple, straightforward wills to those involving complex estates and family arrangements. Even if your will is simple, a solicitor can ensure it is correctly drafted and legally valid, providing peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out as intended.


Section I: Summary


Choosing the right will solicitor is a crucial step in ensuring your estate is managed according to your wishes and providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones. A professional solicitor brings expertise, experience, and a thorough understanding of the legal intricacies involved in will drafting and estate planning. They can help you navigate complex situations, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure that your will is legally sound and comprehensive.

Don’t leave your estate to chance or risk potential complications of a DIY will. Whether you have a simple estate or more complex needs, a solicitor can provide tailored advice to suit your specific needs and circumstances.

Investing in professional legal guidance will ensure that your assets are protected, and your loved ones are taken care of according to your wishes.


Section J: FAQs About Will Solicitors


What Does a Will Solicitor Do?

A will solicitor specialises in helping individuals draft, review, and update their wills to ensure they are legally valid and accurately reflect the testator’s wishes. They provide expert advice on estate planning, inheritance tax, setting up trusts, and handling complex family situations. Solicitors ensure that all legal requirements are met, reducing the risk of disputes or challenges after the testator’s death. They can also offer secure storage for the will and assist with regular updates to accommodate changes in the testator’s circumstances or legislation.


How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Will Solicitor?

The cost of hiring a will solicitor varies based on several factors, including the complexity of the will, the solicitor’s experience, and geographical location. For a simple will, costs typically range from £150 to £300. More complex wills, which may involve setting up trusts or dealing with significant assets, can cost between £300 and £1,000 or more. Additional services, such as inheritance tax planning or creating powers of attorney, may incur extra charges. Some solicitors charge by the hour, while others offer fixed fees or bundled services for estate planning.


How Do I Find a Reputable Will Solicitor?

To find a reputable will solicitor, start by seeking recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have had positive experiences. You can also search online for reviews on platforms like Google, Trustpilot, and legal-specific sites such as ReviewSolicitors. Look for solicitors who are members of professional bodies such as the Law Society of England and Wales or the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). These memberships indicate a commitment to high professional standards. Additionally, consider the solicitor’s qualifications, experience, and whether they have relevant accreditations such as the Law Society’s Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme (WIQS).


Can a Solicitor Act as an Executor?

Yes, a solicitor can act as an executor of your will. Appointing a solicitor as an executor can be beneficial, especially if your estate is complex or if you do not have a trusted family member or friend to take on this role. A solicitor brings professional expertise and can handle the administrative and legal responsibilities involved in estate administration, such as applying for probate, valuing and distributing assets, paying debts and taxes, and dealing with any disputes that arise. However, solicitors typically charge a fee for acting as an executor, which can be a percentage of the estate’s value or an hourly rate. It’s important to discuss and understand these fees before making your decision.


Section K: Glossary of Terms Related to Will Solicitors


Beneficiary: A person or entity designated to receive assets or benefits from a will or trust.

Bequest: A gift of personal property or money left to someone in a will.

Codicil: A legal document that amends, rather than replaces, a previously executed will.

Executor: The person appointed in a will to administer the estate of the deceased.

Estate: All the money, property, and other assets that a person owns at the time of their death.

Guardian: An individual appointed to take care of minor children and manage their affairs if their parents die.

Inheritance Tax: A tax imposed on individuals who inherit property or money from a deceased person’s estate.

Intestate: Dying without a valid will. In such cases, the estate is distributed according to the laws of intestacy.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA): A legal document allowing one person to appoint another to manage their affairs if they become unable to do so.

Legacy: A gift of money or property left to someone in a will.

Mirror Wills: Wills made by two people, typically a married couple, that are almost identical and leave assets to each other or the same beneficiaries.

Probate: The legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person, including validating the will, paying debts, and distributing assets to beneficiaries.

Residuary Estate: The remainder of an estate after all debts, taxes, expenses, and specific bequests have been paid.

Testator/Testatrix: The person who makes a will. Testator is used for males, and testatrix for females.

Trust: A legal arrangement where one party (trustee) holds property for the benefit of another (beneficiary).

Will: A legal document in which a person specifies how their estate should be managed and distributed after their death.


Section L: Additional Resources – Making a will

The UK government’s official website provides comprehensive information on making a will, including legal requirements and guidance.


The Law Society – Wills and Inheritance

The Law Society offers detailed advice on wills, inheritance, and finding a solicitor.


Citizens Advice – Wills

Citizens Advice provides practical advice on writing a will, choosing executors, and understanding inheritance laws.


STEP – Advising Families Across Generations

The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) offers resources and a directory of qualified professionals specialising in wills, estates, and trusts.


Money Advice Service – Making a Will

The Money Advice Service provides impartial advice on making a will, including costs and choosing a solicitor.


Age UK – Wills and Estate Planning

Age UK offers guidance specifically tailored for older people on wills and estate planning.




Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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