What is COSHH?

what is coshh

COSHH is a high-risk area of health and safety compliance for employers dealing with hazardous substances. The penalties for non-compliance with COSHH include prosecution and unlimited fines. In certain serious cases, for instance, where an individual died as a result of a breach of COSHH, the responsible persons may face imprisonment. In this guide, we […]

What Is A Pre Action Protocol In Civil Litigation?

pre action protocol

The rules governing pre-action conduct can be found in the pre-action protocols and the Practice Direction on pre-action conduct and protocols (PDPAC). What are Pre Action Protocols? Pre action protocols (PAPs) specify the conduct procedures that parties are expected to follow if involved in a dispute that may lead to litigation in the English courts. Fundamentally, the […]

ID1 Form Land Registry (How to Complete it!)

The ID1 form is used to provide evidence of identity to the Land Registry for a private individual in respect of certain property-related applications. The ID1 form is required when making one of the following applications:   a) a transfer of land or a transfer of a mortgage b) an amendment to a deed or […]

Claiming Under the Sale of Goods Act (What You Should Do!)

Claiming under the Sale of Goods Act is the route a consumer should take if they have purchased an item that isn’t of the quality they expected. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that all goods purchased or sold in the UK must be as described, of satisfactory quality and fit for the purpose […]

Claims: How the MOJ Portal Works

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) claims portal is an online hub where all parties to the claim enter required information, basic validation checks can be carried out, notifications can be sent to all parties to keep the claim process moving and time limits and deadlines can be set and clearly communicated to all parties. Initially […]

Using the Small Claims Court

If you are owed money by a person or a business, you may seek to obtain that money through the small claims court. Strict limits apply to the amount you can recover in the small claims court. In England and Wales, the total you can claim is £10,000. In Scotland, the total is lower, at […]

What is the Difference Between a Lawyer and Solicitor?

What is the difference between a lawyer and solicitor? ‘Lawyer’ is generally understood to be an umbrella term for a qualified legal practitioner, and can include both a solicitor and a barrister. A solicitor is qualified to provide legal advice and representation directly to members of the public. Below we look at the different roles […]

Gas Safety Regulations (How to Comply)

gas safety regulations

The Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998, and the subsequent changes made to the legislation in 2018, outline the legal requirements placed on any person responsible for the installation, servicing, maintenance or repair of gas appliances, fittings and flues in most domestic and commercial premises, with the intention of protecting the public from gas-related […]

Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981

Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981

The Health and Safety First Aid Regulations 1981 place an obligation on employers to make available to their employees an ‘adequate and appropriate’ first aid provision. The first aid regulations apply to all workplaces, regardless of the number of employees and to self-employed individuals too. What is seen as adequate and appropriate will vary depending […]

Guide to the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957

Occupiers Liability Act 1957

The Occupiers Liability Act 1957 states that the occupier of a premises in England and Wales may be held responsible where a visitor to that premises is injured or their property is damaged. The Occupiers Liability Act 1984 was created to clarify the position of occupiers’ liability with regard to trespassers by separating out lawful […]

Dangerous Driving: Defending a Charge!

dangerous driving

A conviction for dangerous driving can result in penalty points, a fine, possible disqualification from driving and imprisonment, depending on the severity and circumstances of the offence. The Road Traffic Act, the Road Traffic Offenders Act and the related system of penalty points were introduced in 1988 and govern the treatment of driving offenders. According […]

Flight Cancellation Compensation (Are You Owed?)

If your flight is cancelled, causing disruption to your travel, you have certain rights and may be able to claim compensation under the Denied Boarding Regulation. Conditions of protection under the Denied Boarding Regulation To be protected by the Denied Boarding Regulation, you must meet the following conditions: You must be travelling with an airline […]

CCJ Removal: How to Guide

Once a CCJ (County Court Judgement) has been put in place, it will be noted on your credit record for a period of 6 years. At the end of the 6 years, the CCJ will automatically be removed from your credit record, regardless of whether you have repaid the related debt or not. The creditor […]

What is a CCJ?

A CCJ (County Court Judgement) is a court order issued to a person or business that has failed to pay money owed to another party. CCJs apply in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, the process is referred to as enforcing a debt by diligence. A CCJ generally must be preceded by some form […]

Manual Handling Regulations (A Guide)

Manual Handling Regulations

The Manual Handlings Operations Regulations 1992, later amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002, places a legal requirement on employers to avoid dangerous manual handling, to assess any risk of injury from manual handling, to train all employees who are involved in manual handling at work, and to reduce any risks as […]

Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) – FAQs

A conditional fee agreement, or CFA, is an alternative funding arrangement for those not wanting or able to fund legal representation up front. Commonly referred to as ‘no win, no fee’ arrangements, a CFA is an agreement with a solicitor that provides for their fees and expenses, or any part of them, to be paid […]

Fire Safety Regulations (Employers’ Guide)

Fire Safety Regulations

Employers are legally required to carry out a fire risk assessment in the workplace and put resulting fire safety measures in place to ensure the safety of their workers and the general public in the case of a fire. This requirement is in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in England and […]

What are Particulars of Claim?

The Particulars of Claim provide the claimant’s statement of case in personal injury and clinical negligence claims. They set out the factual and legal basis upon which the claimant is seeking to claim against the defendant. Particulars of Claim are required under the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) to start the claim proceedings. What is included […]

RIDDOR Regulations – Reporting Accidents at Work

RIDDOR Regulations

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) sets out the guidelines and requirements of responsible parties, such as employers, to record and report work-related incidents. Who is responsible for reporting under the RIDDOR regulations? Any employer who is in control of and responsible for a work premises is required to report […]

Practice Direction on Pre Action Conduct

A Practice Direction contains practical advice on how to interpret the Civil Procedural Rules (CPR). In England and Wales civil litigation is governed by the Civil Procedure Rules (‘CPR’). These represent a single code of rules setting out how a claim is to be conducted by parties in civil proceedings. The rules apply across all […]