Ultimate Guide to Franchising Your Business (Insights!)

franchising your business


Franchising is a strategic expansion model where a business (the franchisor) grants another party (the franchisee) the right to operate a business or sell goods and services using the franchisor’s brand, model, and system.

Franchising presents an unparalleled opportunity for business expansion and brand recognition in the United Kingdom, offering a strategic pathway for businesses aiming to scale operations and penetrate new markets.

While global in its application, franchising has a distinctive footprint in the UK. Characterised by a robust legal framework and a supportive ecosystem, the UK franchising sector thrives, contributing significantly to the economy.

Franchising in the UK has been adopted across various industries, from fast food and retail to education and healthcare services, demonstrating the model’s versatility and potential for scalability.

The British Franchise Association (BFA) plays a pivotal role in setting high standards for ethical franchising, offering guidance, and fostering a community of practice among franchisors and franchisees.

Businesses looking to adopt the franchising model must take a tailored approach due to the UK’s unique business environment, consumer behaviour, and legal requirements.

Recognising the importance of compliance with UK franchising laws, the implications of market trends, and the identification of consumer needs within the UK context is paramount.

An in-depth comprehension of these elements mitigates risks and amplifies the chances of franchising success.

This comprehensive guide is designed to help business owners considering franchising in the UK, providing:


Insights into Strategies: Unveiling proven strategies for establishing and expanding your franchise, including market analysis, franchise model selection, and effective marketing tactics tailored to the UK consumer base.


Legal Considerations: This section provides an overview of the legal framework governing franchising in the UK, including necessary documentation, intellectual property rights, and regulatory compliance, to ensure your franchising venture is built on a solid legal foundation.


Benefits: This is a detailed exploration of the multifaceted benefits of franchising, from accelerated growth and brand amplification to financial advantages and the fostering of entrepreneurial spirit within the framework of a supportive franchisor-franchisee relationship.


Equipped with this knowledge, you will be better prepared to embark on your franchising journey, making informed decisions that align with your business objectives and the unique characteristics of the UK market.


Section A: Understanding Franchising in the UK


1. What is Franchising


Franchising is a business model that allows a successful business system to be replicated at scale. It involves a contractual relationship between the franchisor, who owns the brand and business system, and the franchisee, who pays an initial fee and ongoing royalties to operate under the franchisor’s name and system.

This arrangement benefits both parties. The franchisor can expand its brand without the high capital costs typically associated with growth, and the franchisee gains access to a proven business model, brand recognition, and support from the franchisor.


2. Brief History and Current State of Franchising in the UK


Franchising has a rich history in the UK, with roots tracing back to the 1950s and 60s. Although it became more prominent in the 1970s with the entry of American franchised fast-food chains, the model quickly gained traction across various sectors, recognised for its potential to stimulate economic growth and entrepreneurship.

The establishment of the British Franchise Association (BFA) in 1977 marked a significant milestone. The BFA set ethical standards and best practices for franchising in the UK.

Today, franchising is a vital part of the UK economy, with a wide range of industries embracing the model, from traditional sectors like food and beverage to emerging sectors such as renewable energy and technology services.

According to BFA statistics, the UK franchising industry demonstrates robust health, contributing billions to the UK economy and supporting tens of thousands of businesses across the country. The sector has shown resilience and adaptability, particularly in response to economic challenges and changing consumer behaviours, with an increasing trend towards digital transformation and sustainable business practices.

The current landscape of franchising in the UK is characterised by growth, innovation, and an ongoing commitment to ethical franchising. The BFA continues to play a crucial role in advocating for high standards, providing resources and support to both franchisors and franchisees and promoting the success and sustainability of the franchising model within the UK market.

This evolving landscape highlights the importance of understanding the historical context and current trends within the UK franchising sector. For those considering franchising their business, this knowledge is essential to effectively navigating the opportunities and challenges of the UK market.


Section B: Types of Franchising Models in the UK


The UK’s franchising landscape is diverse, offering several models catering to various industries and business sizes. Understanding these models is crucial for anyone looking to franchise their business in the UK.

The primary types of franchising models relevant to the UK market include:


1. Business Format Franchising


This is the most common form of franchising in the UK and globally. The franchisor provides the franchisee with a comprehensive business package in business format. This package includes the product, service, brand, and entire business model and system. This encompasses marketing strategies, operational procedures, training, and ongoing support. Franchisees operate their outlets under the franchisor’s brand name, following the prescribed business model closely. Examples span from fast-food restaurants to retail and service-based franchises.


2. Product Franchising


Also known as product distribution franchising, this model focuses on product distribution. The franchisor manufactures the products, and the franchisee sells them under the franchisor’s brand name. The franchisee’s business is tied to the supplier-dealer relationship, where the emphasis is on sales rather than replicating a business model. This type of franchising is common in the automotive and beverage industries, where dealers are authorised to sell specific brands.


3. Master Franchising


Master franchising is a model in which the franchisor grants the rights to a franchisee (the master franchisee) to develop and manage franchising operations in a specified territory. The master franchisee can open outlets and is also authorised to sell franchises to other people within the territory. This model is particularly appealing for international expansion, allowing a franchisor outside the UK to enter the UK market through a local operator who understands the market better.


4. Area Development Franchising


In area development franchising, the franchisor grants the franchisee the right to open and operate multiple units within a defined area during a specific time frame. Unlike master franchising, the franchisee has no right to sell further franchises. This model suits franchisors and franchisees looking for rapid expansion within a particular geographical area.


5. Social Franchising


Social franchising is an emerging model in the UK that focuses on achieving social goals alongside economic objectives. It applies franchising strategies to social enterprises, non-profit organisations, and charities to replicate successful social impact projects across different locations. Social franchising is gaining traction within healthcare, education, and community services sectors.

Understanding the nuances of these franchising models is critical for potential franchisors and franchisees in the UK. The choice of model affects various aspects of the franchising agreement, including the level of control, financial arrangements, and expansion strategies. Businesses should conduct thorough research and possibly consult with franchising experts or legal advisors to determine the most suitable franchising model for their specific circumstances and ambitions in the UK market.


Section C: The Benefits of Franchising Your Business


Franchising offers a strategic pathway for business expansion that carries significant benefits for both franchisors and franchisees. It combines franchisors’ growth and scalability advantages with substantial franchise opportunities. This synergy fuels rapid market penetration and brand recognition and creates a framework for financial success and stability within the dynamic UK business environment.

The key benefits of franchising include:


1. Expansion and Growth Potential


a. Rapid Market Penetration

Franchising allows businesses to expand their footprint across the UK more rapidly and efficiently than through direct expansion. By leveraging franchisees’ investment and local market knowledge, franchisors can scale their operations without the proportional increase in overheads and capital expenditure.


b. Access to Local Expertise

Franchisees bring local knowledge and expertise, which can be invaluable in adapting the business model to fit local market conditions. This can lead to higher success rates for new outlets and a more substantial presence in diverse markets across the UK.


c. scalability

The franchising model provides a framework for scalable growth. Franchisors can continuously grow their network by partnering with new franchisees, facilitating widespread brand presence without diluting management resources too thin.


2. Increased Brand Recognition


a. Wider Visibility

Each new franchise operation contributes to increasing the brand’s visibility. As the network expands, so does brand recognition, which can have a compound effect on marketing effectiveness and consumer trust across the UK.


b. Consistency Across Locations

Franchising enforces brand consistency, ensuring customers receive the same brand experience regardless of the location. This consistency reinforces brand identity and loyalty, critical components of long-term success.


c. Network Synergy

The franchise network’s collective marketing efforts and shared successes boost the brand’s reputation. Positive experiences at one location benefit the entire network, contributing to overall brand strength.


3. Financial Advantages for Both Franchisor and Franchisee


a. Shared Investment and Risk

Franchising allows for brand expansion with significantly reduced financial risk and investment for the franchisor. Franchisees finance the establishment and operation of their franchises, spreading the financial risk.


b. Revenue Streams

For franchisors, franchising opens up multiple revenue streams, including initial franchise fees, ongoing royalties, and potential sales of products and services to franchisees. This can create a steady income flow and contribute to the franchisor’s financial stability.


c. Economies of Scale

Franchisors and franchisees benefit from economies of scale in purchasing, marketing, and operational processes. Bulk buying and shared services reduce costs, increasing profitability.


d. Opportunity for Entrepreneurship

For franchisees, franchising balances entrepreneurship and the security of working with an established brand. It provides a pathway to business ownership with a lower failure rate than starting a business from scratch, alongside the potential for significant financial returns.


Section D: Key Strategies for Successful Franchising


Implementing key strategies is essential for businesses looking to franchise in the UK. These strategies include assessing your business’s franchisability, developing a strong brand identity, creating a support system for franchisees, and employing effective marketing tactics tailored to the UK market.

Implementing these key strategies can significantly enhance the success of franchising your business in the UK.


1. Identifying Your Business’s Franchisability


a. Proven Business Concept

A business should have a proven track record of profitability and operational success before considering franchising. This includes demonstrating that the business model can be replicated and is adaptable to different markets across the UK.


b. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your business should offer something unique or superior to what’s currently available. A clear USP is crucial for standing out in the competitive franchising landscape.


c. Ease of Replication 

Business operations should be easy to replicate and implement across different locations. This involves having clear procedures, training programs, and operational guidelines that can be transferred to new franchisees.


2. Developing a Strong Business Model and Brand Identity


a. Robust Business Model

Refine your business model to ensure it is profitable and scalable. This includes fine-tuning your operational, financial, and logistical processes to ensure they can be efficiently replicated by franchisees across the UK.


b. Strong Brand Identity

Establish a solid and appealing brand identity. This encompasses your brand’s visual elements, core values, and customer experience promise. A strong brand identity is crucial for attracting both franchisees and customers.


c. Legal Protection

Ensure your brand and intellectual property are legally protected. This includes trademarks for your brand name, logo, and unique products or services. Legal protection is essential to safeguard your brand as you expand.


3. Creating a Comprehensive Franchisor Support System


a. Training Programs

Develop comprehensive training programs for franchisees, covering all aspects of the business, from day-to-day operations to strategic management and customer service. Continuous training ensures franchisees are well-equipped to maintain the brand’s standards.


b. Operational Support

Provide ongoing operational support to franchisees. This includes assistance with site selection, store design, supply chain management, and technology systems. A robust support system enhances franchisee success and satisfaction.


c. Financial and Marketing Resources

Offer resources and guidance on financial management and local marketing strategies. Help franchisees understand the financial model of the franchise, including cost control, revenue optimisation, and local marketing tactics that resonate with UK consumers.


4. Marketing Strategies Specific to the UK Franchising Scene


a. Localised Marketing

Develop marketing strategies that cater to local tastes and preferences within different regions of the UK. This includes regional advertising campaigns, local community engagement, and leveraging local social media influencers.


b. Leverage Digital Marketing

Utilise digital marketing to increase brand visibility and attract both franchisees and customers. This includes SEO optimisation for “franchising your business” and related keywords, targeted social media campaigns, and content marketing that highlights the success stories of existing franchises.


c. Networking and Industry Events

Engage in networking and participate in franchising expos and events across the UK. These events are opportunities to showcase your brand to potential franchisees and to learn about the latest trends and best practices in the franchising industry.


Section E: Legal Considerations and Requirements


While offering significant business opportunities, franchising in the UK necessitates a thorough understanding of legal considerations and requirements. This includes knowledge of UK franchising regulations, necessary legal documentation, protection of intellectual property rights, and compliance with employment laws.

Prospective franchisors and franchisees are advised to consult with legal professionals specialising in franchising to ensure that their business operations are compliant and positioned for success in the competitive UK market.


1. Overview of UK Franchising Regulations


In the UK, no specific legislation directly regulates the franchising sector. Instead, franchising operations are subject to the same laws governing other business activities. This includes various aspects of commercial law, such as contract law, competition law, and intellectual property law.

The British Franchise Association (BFA) provides a self-regulatory framework for its members, promoting ethical franchising practices. Compliance with BFA standards can serve as a benchmark for ethical and operational standards without specific franchising legislation.


2. Legal Documentation and Agreements


a. Franchise Agreement

This is the cornerstone of the franchisor-franchisee relationship, detailing the rights and obligations of both parties. It covers aspects such as the scope of the franchise, term and renewal conditions, financial arrangements (including fees and royalties), operational standards, and termination conditions. It must be comprehensive and tailored to accurately reflect the specifics of the franchising arrangement.


b. Disclosure Documents

While not legally mandated in the UK, best practices suggest providing prospective franchisees with a disclosure document. This document should offer a clear overview of the franchising opportunity, including the business model, financial projections, and potential risks. Disclosure promotes transparency and informed decision-making by franchisees.


3. Intellectual Property Rights Protection


Protecting intellectual property (IP) is crucial in franchising, ensuring the franchisor’s brand and proprietary knowledge are safeguarded. Key steps include:


a. Trademark Registration

Ensure the brand name, logos, and any distinctive slogans or designs are registered trademarks with the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO). This provides legal protection against unauthorised use.


b. Confidentiality Agreements

Use confidentiality agreements to protect proprietary knowledge, trade secrets, and operational procedures shared with franchisees.


c. Licence Agreements

The franchise agreement should include a license provision that grants the franchisee the right to use the franchisor’s IP within the agreed terms.


4. Compliance with UK Employment Laws


Franchisors and franchisees must adhere to UK employment laws, protecting employees’ rights. This includes compliance with:

Minimum Wage Laws: Ensuring all employees are paid at least the national minimum wage.
Working Hours and Health & Safety: Adhering to workplace regulations regarding working hours, breaks, and health and safety standards.
Equality and Discrimination Laws: Ensuring employment practices comply with equality legislation, preventing discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, or religion.


Section F: Preparing Your Business for Franchising


Preparing your business for franchising in the UK is a meticulous process that involves several critical steps to ensure that your business is not only ready for expansion through franchising but also positioned for long-term success.

By following these steps, you can build a strong foundation for a successful franchising venture:


1. Steps to Evaluate Your Business’s Readiness for Franchising


a. Assess Profitability and Scalability

Ensure your business model is profitable and can be replicated across different locations. This includes clearly understanding your business’s financial health and the scalability of your operations and supply chain.


b. Understand Market Demand

Research the market to ensure there is demand for your products or services across different regions in the UK. This involves understanding your target market, competition, and the potential for your business model in various locations.


c. Evaluate Systematisation

Your business operations should be systematisable, meaning they can be easily replicated in a franchise model. This includes having documented processes, operational manuals, and systems that can be transferred to and implemented by franchisees.


d. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Ensure your business complies with all relevant UK laws and regulations, including employment, health and safety, and data protection. Compliance is critical to avoid legal challenges as you expand.


2. Building a Franchising Team


a. Legal Advisors

Partner with legal professionals specialising in UK franchising and intellectual property law. They will help draft your franchise agreement, protect your brand, and ensure compliance with UK legislation.


b. Financial Advisors

Work with financial experts to establish your franchise’s financial model, including setting up fee structures (initial fees, royalties, etc.) and developing financial projections for your franchisees.


c. Franchise Consultants

Consider hiring a franchise consultant who understands the UK market. They can provide insights on best practices, help develop your franchising strategy, and guide you through setting up and marketing your franchise.


d. Internal Team

Identify key members within your organisation who will be dedicated to supporting your business’s franchising aspect. This includes operations, training, and franchisee support personnel.


3. Training Franchisees


a. Comprehensive Training Manuals

Develop detailed training manuals that cover all aspects of franchise operation, from daily operations to customer service, marketing, and financial management.


b. Initial Training Program

Design an initial training program for new franchisees that covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of running the business. This often includes on-site training at your headquarters or a flagship store.


c. Ongoing Support and Training

Establish a system for ongoing training and support. This can include regular workshops, webinars, and access to an online resource centre where franchisees can find up-to-date information and training materials.


d. Mentorship Programmes

Consider setting up a mentorship programme where new franchisees can learn from experienced ones. This can facilitate knowledge sharing and help new franchisees navigate the initial stages of setting up and running their franchise.


Section G: Finding and Selecting the Right Franchisees


Finding and selecting the right franchisees is critical to the success of your franchising venture in the UK.

The process involves:

• Setting clear criteria for selection.
• Effectively marketing your franchising opportunity.
• Conducting thorough interviews to ensure potential franchisees are a good fit for your brand.

Here’s an overview of the steps involved:


1. Criteria for Selecting Franchisees


a. Business Acumen and Experience

Look for individuals with a strong understanding of business operations, preferably with experience in your industry or in managing a business. This ensures they have the necessary skills to run a franchise successfully.


b. Financial Stability

Potential franchisees should have the financial resources to invest in the franchise and sustain the business until it becomes profitable. This may include initial investment costs, ongoing fees, and working capital.


c. Alignment with Brand Values

Franchisees must share your brand’s values and commitment to quality and customer service. Their ability to embody and convey these values will impact the brand’s consistency and reputation.


d. Motivation and Commitment

Assess their motivation for becoming franchisees and their commitment to the business’s long-term success. Franchisees should be ready to actively engage in the business and follow the franchisor’s systems and processes.


e. Ability to Learn and Adapt

The ideal candidate should be willing to learn your business model and adapt to market and franchise system changes. They should also be open to receiving feedback and support from the franchisor.


2. The Recruitment Process


a. Marketing Your Franchise

Begin by marketing your franchising opportunity through various channels. These can include your business website, franchising portals, social media, and franchising exhibitions. Tailor your marketing materials to highlight your franchise’s benefits and the support franchisees will receive.


b. Initial Enquiry and Screening

Interested candidates will make an initial enquiry through your chosen channels. Screen these enquiries based on your set criteria to identify potentially suitable candidates. This initial screening can be done through an application form or a preliminary interview.


c. Detailed Application

Ask shortlisted candidates to complete a detailed application form. This form should gather comprehensive information about their background, financial status, business experience, and motivations for wanting to become a franchisee.


d. Interviews

Conduct in-depth interviews with the candidates who pass the initial screening and application stages. Interviews can be in person or via videoconferencing. Use this opportunity to assess the candidates’ suitability further, discuss their vision for the franchise, and answer any questions they may have.


e. Discovery Day

Invite final-stage candidates to a discovery day at your headquarters or a flagship franchise. This allows them to get a firsthand look at the business operations, meet the franchisor team, and understand what running the franchise entails.


f. Final Selection

After the interviews and discovery day, a final assessment of the candidates will be conducted. Consider all aspects of their application, interviews, and interactions during the discovery day. Select the candidates who best fit your criteria and are most likely to succeed as franchisees.


Section H: Franchising Case Studies


Franchising has proven to be a successful growth strategy for many businesses in the UK across various sectors. From food and beverage to education and cleaning services, numerous brands have leveraged franchising to expand their reach and impact.

Real-life examples of successful franchising stories in the UK include:


1. Costa Coffee


Costa Coffee, one of the UK’s leading coffee chains, has successfully expanded through franchising. Starting from a single store in London, Costa has grown into a global coffee brand with a significant presence in the UK market, partly thanks to its franchising model.

Lessons and Tips:

Brand Consistency: Costa Coffee maintains strict quality control and brand consistency across all franchises. This ensures that customers receive the same high-quality experience at every outlet.
Comprehensive Training: Providing comprehensive training and support to franchisees is crucial. Costa ensures that franchisees and their staff are fully trained in product knowledge, customer service, and operational efficiency.
Community Engagement: Encouraging franchisees to engage with their local communities has helped Costa build a loyal customer base and strengthen its brand presence at the local level.


2. Subway


Subway, known for its customisable sandwiches, has experienced significant growth in the UK through franchising. With a focus on affordable investment opportunities and comprehensive franchisee support, Subway has become one of the most accessible and widespread franchised brands in the UK.

Lessons and Tips:
Accessibility: Subway’s expansion has been vital to its success because it has kept investment levels reasonable, making the franchise accessible to a broader range of investors.
Location Flexibility: Subway has demonstrated the importance of location flexibility, opening outlets in various settings, from high streets to petrol stations and convenience stores, to maximise market reach.
Adaptation: Subway has adapted its menu to local tastes and dietary preferences, which has been essential for capturing the UK market.


3. Tutor Doctor


Tutor Doctor, a global leader in one-to-one in-home tutoring, has grown substantially in the UK. Tutor Doctor has filled a significant gap in the UK education market by offering personalised tutoring services that meet individual students’ specific needs.

Lessons and Tips:
Market Need: Identifying and fulfilling a specific market need is critical. Tutor Doctor’s success stems from addressing the demand for personalised, flexible tutoring services.
Franchisee Autonomy: Tutor Doctor’s success has been contributed by allowing franchisees a degree of autonomy to adapt services to their local market within the framework of the established business model.
Vital Support Systems: Robust training and ongoing support for franchisees ensure that they are well-equipped to deliver high-quality services and grow their businesses.


4. Lessons Learned and Tips for Prospective Franchisors


The key lessons from the case studies and other franchising success stories include:

Understand Your Market: Knowing your market and ensuring your business model meets a genuine need is crucial for franchising success.
Invest in Training and Support: A comprehensive training program and ongoing support system for franchisees are critical factors in ensuring brand consistency and operational success across franchises.
Maintain Quality Control: Regular quality assessments and feedback mechanisms help maintain high standards across all franchise locations.
Adapt and Innovate: Being open to adapting your business model and offerings to meet local needs and market trends can significantly enhance your franchise’s appeal and longevity.


Section I: Article summary


Franchising offers a powerful strategy for business expansion, providing a pathway for companies to extend their reach and impact across the UK market. This guide aims to equip business owners with the knowledge and insights needed to embark on their franchising journey confidently by exploring various aspects of franchising, including its benefits, legal considerations, and strategies for success.


Key takeaways


Understanding Franchising in the UK: The UK franchising landscape is diverse and robust, supported by various franchising models that cater to different industries and business sizes. It is crucial to recognise the importance of selecting the right model and understanding the legal framework.
Benefits of Franchising: Franchising presents significant opportunities for growth and expansion, increased brand recognition, and financial advantages for both franchisors and franchisees.
Strategies for Successful Franchising: Success in franchising requires identifying your business’s franchisability, developing a robust business model and brand identity, creating a comprehensive support system for franchisees, and employing effective marketing strategies tailored to the UK market.
Legal Considerations and Requirements: Navigating the legal landscape, which encompasses UK franchising regulations, necessary legal documents, intellectual property rights protection, and compliance with employment laws, is essential.
Preparing Your Business for Franchising: This process includes evaluating your business’s readiness, building a franchising team, and setting up training programs for franchisees.
Finding and Selecting the Right Franchisees: Implementing a thorough recruitment process, including setting criteria for selection and conducting interviews, is vital for finding franchisees who align with your brand’s values and goals.
Real-life Success Stories: Learning from the experiences of successful franchisors in the UK, such as Costa Coffee, Subway, and Tutor Doctor, provides valuable insights and inspiration for prospective franchisors.


Section J: Additional resources and where to find franchising advice in the UK


For those looking to delve deeper into franchising their business in the UK, a wealth of resources and organisations offer expert advice, guidance, and support.

The following is a list of additional resources where you can find valuable information and assistance on franchising in the UK:


British Franchise Association (BFA)

• Website: thebfa.org
• Description: The BFA is the voluntary self-regulatory body for the UK franchise sector. It promotes ethical franchising practices and offers a range of resources for both franchisors and franchisees, including educational programs, accreditation, and networking events.


Franchise Direct UK

• Website: franchisedirect.co.uk
• Description: A comprehensive directory of franchise opportunities in the UK, offering insights into various franchising sectors. It also provides articles, success stories, and guides on franchising your business.


UK Government – Business and Self-Employed

• Website: gov.UK/browse/business
• Description: The UK government’s official portal provides extensive resources on starting and growing a business, including guidance on franchising, legal considerations, and financial advice.


The Franchise Magazine

• Website: thefranchisemagazine.net
• Description: A leading publication for the franchising industry, it offers the latest news, expert advice, and franchising opportunities in the UK and internationally.


Franchise Expo

• Website: franchiseinfo.co.uk
• Description: This is the official website for the UK’s largest franchise exhibition. It provides information on upcoming events where you can meet franchisors, attend seminars, and get advice from industry experts.


Which Franchise

• Website: whichfranchise.com
• Description: This site offers advice on franchising for both franchisors and franchisees. It includes a list of franchise opportunities, funding advice, and case studies from successful franchise operations in the UK.


NatWest Franchise Section

• Website: business.natwest.com/business/insights/franchising.html
• Description: NatWest provides specialised banking services for franchising, including financial advice, funding options, and insights into the franchising sector.


Quality Franchise Association (QFA)

• Website: qualityfranchiseassociation.org.uk
• Description: The QFA is a relatively new association offering free franchising advice, industry news, and a directory of franchise opportunities. It focuses on promoting ethical franchising in the UK.


The UK Franchise Directory

• Website: UK-franchise-directory.co.uk
• Description: This site features a comprehensive list of franchising opportunities in the UK, articles on franchising, and tips for both new and established franchisors and franchisees.




Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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