Your Guide to Choosing Consumer Solicitors

consumer solicitors


It’s an unfortunate truth that consumers frequently face legal issues, from defective goods, misleading advertising and poor-quality services to unfair contract terms and violations of data privacy.

In the UK, regulations such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are designed to protect and enforce the rights of consumers. In some cases, however, the support of a consumer law solicitor may be needed to receive the full benefit of these legal protections.

The consumer legal advice market in the UK has evolved significantly in recent years, with different types of advisers and support services now available for consumers in need of help and advice.

However, it can be daunting to know how to find the best adviser for your needs, given the complexities of consumer law and the diverse nature of consumer disputes.

In this guide, we provide a comprehensive overview of UK consumer law rights and the type of help and resources that are available. We also share practical tips on how to choose the right consumer law solicitor for your needs.


Section A: Consumer Law in the UK


Consumer law in the UK is designed to protect individuals from unfair practices in the marketplace. Whether purchasing goods, services, or digital content, consumers have certain rights enshrined in law. The legal framework aims to ensure fairness, transparency, and safety in transactions, giving consumers the confidence to engage with businesses without fear of exploitation.


1. Key Regulations Governing Consumer Law


Consumer law is founded on the following key pieces of legislation:


a. Consumer Rights Act 2015

The Consumer Rights Act 2015 consolidated several existing laws, providing a unified legal framework for consumer protection. It covers the sale of goods, supply of services, and digital content.

The Act sets out the standards that goods, services, and digital content must meet to ensure consumer protection.

Goods are required to be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, and as described. Services, similarly, must be performed with reasonable care and skill, ensuring that the expected standards are met. For digital content, the law stipulates that it must also be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose, and as described, offering consistent protection across all forms of consumer transactions.

When it comes to remedies, the law provides clear recourse for consumers. For goods that fall short of the required standards, consumers are entitled to a repair, replacement, price reduction, or refund.

In the case of services, remedies include repeat performance or a reduction in price if the service is not delivered as expected.

For digital content, similar to goods, consumers can seek repair, replacement, price reduction, or a refund if the content fails to meet the standards.


b. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR, implemented via the Data Protection Act 2018, governs data privacy in the UK. The purpose of the regulations is to establish and safeguard the rights of consumers while imposing strict obligations on organisations handling personal information.

A primary requirement relates to explicit consent, meaning that organisations must obtain clear and informed permission from consumers before processing their data.

Consumers are also entitled to access their personal data and can request its transfer to another service provider, a right known as data portability.

Under the “right to be forgotten”, individuals can request the deletion of their data in specific circumstances, such as when the information is no longer necessary for the purpose it was collected for.

Security plays a pivotal role in protecting consumer data, requiring organisations to implement comprehensive security measures that safeguard against unauthorised access, data breaches, and misuse.

Should a breach occur, consumers have the right to seek remedies, including compensation for any harm suffered due to data breaches or misuse.


c. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 / Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008

These regulations prohibit unfair commercial practices and unfair terms in contracts, establishing strong protections against unfair business practices.

Under the Act, terms that cause a significant imbalance to the consumer’s detriment are strictly prohibited. This ensures that consumers are not subjected to exploitative contractual clauses that could unfairly impact their rights or financial interests.

False or deceptive advertising practices are also banned, preventing businesses from misleading consumers with inaccurate or exaggerated claims. In addition, aggressive practices such as coercion, harassment, or undue influence are prohibited to protect consumers from undue pressure that could compromise their ability to make informed decisions.

If these provisions are breached, consumers have access to meaningful remedies. Contracts containing unfair terms may be declared void or unenforceable, and compensation can be sought for any losses suffered due to unfair, misleading, or aggressive practices.


d. Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018

These regulations protect consumers booking package holidays or linked travel arrangements, ensuring that consumers receive comprehensive protection when booking holidays and travel arrangements.

Businesses are required to provide clear, pre-contractual information to help consumers make informed decisions. This includes crucial details about the booking, such as pricing, itineraries, and cancellation policies.

In terms of cancellations and changes, consumers have specific rights that allow them to cancel or modify bookings while receiving appropriate compensation. These rights ensure flexibility and safeguard consumers against unforeseen circumstances.

Financial protection is another critical provision, guaranteeing refunds or repatriation in the event of insolvency. This protects travellers from being stranded or losing their money if a travel company becomes insolvent.
Remedies are available if issues arise during travel. Consumers are entitled to refunds, alternative arrangements, or compensation, depending on the situation.


2. Common Issues Covered by Consumer Law


Faulty goods and services present significant challenges for consumers when products like electronics, clothing, or household appliances fail to meet quality standards. Similarly, poor workmanship in home repairs or ineffective financial advice can leave consumers dissatisfied and disadvantaged. In such cases, consumer rights are clear: individuals are entitled to a repair, replacement, price reduction, or refund.

Unfair contracts also pose a risk, often involving hidden fees, one-sided cancellation clauses, or limitations on liability. When faced with unfair terms, consumers have the right to declare contracts void or unenforceable and seek compensation for any losses incurred.

Data protection breaches, such as unauthorised access, data leaks, or misuse of personal information, continue to be a significant concern. If personal data is compromised, consumers can claim compensation for damages and request that inaccurate data be rectified or deleted.

Holiday and travel disputes are another common issue, often involving cancellations, changes in itinerary, misleading advertising, or poor accommodation. In these instances, consumers have the right to refunds, alternative arrangements, and compensation for inconvenience.


Section B: Types of Consumer Lawyers


Consumer lawyers specialise in various aspects of consumer law, helping individuals deal with complex legal issues and protecting their rights. Given the breadth of consumer law, different lawyers focus on specific niches to provide expert advice.


1. Consumer Rights Specialists


Consumer lawyers broadly specialise in issues related to faulty goods and services, unfair trading practices, and consumer contract disputes. Their key responsibilities include advising clients on the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and other relevant laws. They assist clients in obtaining refunds, repairs, or replacements for defective products and represent them in disputes involving misleading advertising or unfair terms in consumer contracts. Additionally, consumer lawyers negotiate settlements or represent clients in court when disputes escalate.

Typical cases handled by consumer lawyers involve faulty electronics, appliances, or vehicles, where products fail to meet quality standards or work as intended. They also tackle misleading promotions or advertising that deceive consumers into making poor purchasing decisions. Unfair cancellation policies in contracts and defective services, such as home repairs or renovations, are other common issues.


2. Data Protection Lawyers


Data protection lawyers specialise in data privacy and protection issues, including GDPR compliance and data breaches.

Their key responsibilities include advising both individuals and businesses on how to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018.

They play a critical role in helping clients understand their data privacy rights and are frequently involved in representing individuals in compensation claims for data breaches or misuse.

They also provide guidance to businesses on implementing robust data protection policies and procedures.

Typical cases handled by consumer law solicitors often involve unauthorised data sharing or leaks. They actively pursue data breach claims against businesses or organisations, assist clients in filing complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and provide support with Subject Access Requests (SARs).


3. Contract Dispute Lawyers


Contract dispute lawyers have expertise in resolving disputes arising from consumer contracts, ensuring fairness and protecting consumer rights.

Their work involves reviewing and advising on the legality of consumer contracts, assisting in negotiations to resolve disputes. They represent clients in disputes over unfair contract terms and will bring litigation proceedings if necessary to uphold consumer rights.

Typically, the cases they handle involve complex scenarios such as hidden fees or one-sided clauses in contracts, breaches of contracts related to goods or services, unfulfilled contractual obligations by businesses, and claims involving fraudulent or deceptive contracts.


4. Holiday/Travel Law Specialists


These experts specialise in disputes arising from holidays and travel arrangements, predominantly under the provisions of the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018. They assist clients in securing refunds or compensation for cancelled or disrupted holidays and represent individuals in cases involving misleading advertising or substandard accommodation.

They also offer support in resolving travel insurance disputes, providing valuable assistance to consumers facing issues with their insurance claims.

Typical cases managed by these specialists often involve cancellations or significant alterations to holiday bookings, substandard or misleadingly advertised accommodation, unaddressed flight delays or cancellations, and denied travel insurance claims.


Section C: Situations When a Consumer Lawyer Can Help


Consumers in the UK have a broad range of choice in legal advisers, from traditional law firms specialising in consumer law, contract disputes, data protection and travel claims to dedicated consumer advice organisations such as Citizens Advice and the Financial Ombudsman Service. An increasing number of online legal services and resources are also available, offering virtual consultations and document reviews as well as extensive information about consumer rights and protections.

While minor issues might be resolved through self-help or consumer advice organisations, certain scenarios – complex matters in particular – may necessitate professional legal assistance from a consumer lawyer to secure a positive outcome. Examples of issues which typically require the expertise of a consumer lawyer include:


1. Large Financial Losses


Large financial losses often occur due to significant investments in defective goods or services or as a result of breaches of contract. Examples of such issues include:


a. Defective Home Renovations: A homeowner spends £10,000 on a renovation project, but the contractor delivers subpar work that requires additional repairs, resulting in significant financial losses.


b. Mis-sold Investment Products: An individual invests £15,000 in a financial product based on misleading advice, only to lose a substantial portion of the investment.


Case Study: Mis-sold Investment Products


John invested £20,000 in a “low-risk” financial product based on his adviser’s recommendations. After the product underperformed, causing a £12,000 loss, John consulted a consumer lawyer specialising in financial disputes. The lawyer helped him gather evidence, negotiate with the financial institution, and ultimately secure a settlement covering most of his losses.


2. Complex Contractual Issues


Contracts containing ambiguous, unfair, or deceptive terms can be challenging to navigate without legal expertise. Examples of such issues include:


a. Unfair Cancellation Policies: A consumer signs up for a gym membership but discovers the cancellation policy includes excessive penalties for early termination.


b. One-sided Service Agreements: A customer hires a service provider who inserts terms that disproportionately favour the provider, limiting the customer’s rights to compensation.


Case Study: Unfair Cancellation Policy

Sarah signed a one-year gym membership contract that included a clause allowing the gym to charge her for a full year even if she cancelled early. After being charged £500 despite using the gym for only one month, she sought help from a consumer lawyer. The lawyer challenged the contract as unfair and negotiated a refund for Sarah.


3. Repeated Breaches by a Company


Some companies engage in repeated breaches of consumer rights, impacting many individuals. In such cases, a consumer lawyer can help secure collective remedies through group actions. Examples of such issues include:


a. Persistent Faulty Products: A manufacturer continues to sell faulty electronics despite repeated consumer complaints.


b. Misleading Advertising Campaigns: A travel agency repeatedly promotes misleading offers, impacting numerous customers.


Case Study: Persistent Faulty Products

A group of consumers who purchased faulty kitchen appliances from the same manufacturer joined a class-action lawsuit with the help of a consumer lawyer. The lawyer coordinated the group, gathered evidence, and successfully negotiated a settlement that provided refunds and compensation to all affected customers.


Section D: How to Choose the Best Consumer Law Solicitor


Given the complexities of consumer law and the diverse nature of consumer disputes, choosing the right consumer law solicitor can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. But with so many advisers in the market, it can be difficult to know who to choose for your needs.

To help you make an informed decision, consider the following factors when choosing a consumer law solicitor:


1. Qualifications, Expertise and Skills


Verify that the lawyer is qualified to practise law in the UK and has the relevant qualifications. You can use the Law Society’s database of solicitors and the Bar Standards Board for barristers to check qualifications and membership.

Consumer lawyers often specialise in specific areas like faulty goods/services, data protection breaches, or unfair contracts. Finding a lawyer whose expertise aligns with your particular issue will be beneficial as you can benefit from their insight and knowledge.

Many consumer disputes are resolved through negotiation or mediation. A lawyer with strong negotiation skills can help settle matters efficiently and avoid costly litigation.


2. Experience with Similar Cases


Lawyers with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours will be better equipped to anticipate potential challenges and provide strategies for success.

When researching, ask for details on their past cases and outcomes. Also, look for published articles or opinions that reflect their expertise.


3. Reputation and Reviews


A lawyer’s reputation among clients and peers can indicate reliability and professionalism. Take recommendations from friends or colleagues and read client reviews and testimonials on trusted legal directories and independent review platforms such as Trustpilot, Google Reviews, and Legal 500.


4. Legal Fees and Pricing Models


A key consideration when choosing a consumer lawyer will be fees. A good consumer lawyer will be transparent about their rates and the potential risks of pursuing a legal matter.

Different advisers operate different pricing models, so it will be important to clarify which basis each lawyer is using to charge for their services, which could include:


a. Fixed Fees: A flat rate for straightforward services like drafting letters.

b. Hourly Rates: Charges per hour, suitable for more complex cases. This may require an initial, upfront payment to be made to keep ‘on file’.

c. Contingency Fees: No upfront fees, but the lawyer takes a percentage of the compensation if successful.

d. Pro Bono/Legal Aid: Some lawyers offer free services or operate under government legal aid for eligible clients.

You should also ask if there are any additional costs over and above the fees for the legal advice, such as court fees. It is advisable to ask for a written fee agreement to avoid any misunderstandings.


5. Questions to Ask Potential Advisers


Asking the right questions will help you glean the most helpful information and allow you to compare potential advisers. For example:

a. “How many cases similar to mine have you worked on in the last three years?”

b. “What were the typical outcomes of these cases?”

c. Can you provide details on your success rate for cases like mine?”

d. What factors contributed to unsuccessful outcomes?”

e. “Do you offer a free consultation to discuss my case?”

f. “How long will the consultation last, and what should I bring?”

g. “What will the overall legal process look like for my case?”

h. “How long do you expect the case to take?”

i. “Will you personally handle my case, or will it be delegated to another lawyer?”

j. “Can I contact you directly with questions or updates?”

k. “What are the potential outcomes of my case, including worst-case scenarios?”

l. “What strategies would you use to achieve the best possible outcome?”


Section E: Consumer Legal Advice Market Overview


The consumer legal advice market in the UK is rapidly evolving, with a wider array of options for those seeking help with a consumer law matter.

Trends that are currently influencing the market in consumer law include:


1. Rising Awareness of Consumer Rights


Increased public awareness has resulted from high-profile legal cases, campaigns, and government initiatives. Because of this, more consumers are pursuing claims against businesses for defective goods, data breaches, and unfair trading practices.


2. Growth in Group Litigation


In recent years, there has been a rise in group litigation cases, particularly in consumer rights disputes. This has had the effect of improving access to justice for people who may otherwise have been unaware, reluctant or unable to take action on their own, who can now join others with similar complaints to enforce their rights.


3. Focus on Data Protection and Privacy


With the GDPR’s implementation and growing concerns over data privacy, consumers are increasingly aware of their data rights. This has led to a rise in data protection claims against businesses for data breaches as awareness of corporate accountability grows.


4. Increased Demand for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)


More consumers are exploring ADR options like mediation and arbitration due to their cost-effectiveness and speed. This is resulting in the expansion of ADR services in the market by legal firms and consumer organisations. Ombudsman services are also playing a larger role in resolving consumer disputes.


5. Advances in Technology


Technology, and in particular the growth of online legal advice platforms offering consultations, document reviews, and claim processing, has revolutionised how consumers access legal advice.

More recently, AI-driven tools are increasingly being used for initial consultations and case assessments. Chatbots also offer preliminary legal advice based on consumer queries. This part of the market is expected to develop rapidly in the coming years.


6. Hybrid Legal Firms


Traditional law firms have expanded their services to incorporate more online services, offering a mix of in-person and digital consultations. Examples include virtual consultations via secure video platforms, online claim submission portals for streamlined processing and fixed-fee and subscription-based pricing models.


Section F: Alternatives to Hiring a Lawyer


Consumers in the UK now have more options and resources than ever to protect their rights, from traditional law firms specialising in consumer law, contract disputes, data protection, and travel claims to dedicated consumer advice organisations such as Citizens Advice and the Financial Ombudsman Service. While hiring a lawyer is often the best route for complex legal disputes, the alternatives can provide effective solutions in many circumstances.


1. Alternative Sources of Consumer Law Advice


a. Citizens Advice
A network of independent charities providing free, confidential, and impartial advice on consumer rights and other legal issues.

Phone: 0808 223 1133 (Consumer Service Helpline)


b. Which?
A consumer rights organisation offering advice, reviews, and legal assistance.



c. Resolver
A free, independent online tool that helps consumers resolve complaints with companies and organisations.



d. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
An independent body resolving financial disputes between consumers and financial institutions.

Phone: 0800 023 4567


e. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
A government agency that promotes competition and ensures consumer protection.



f. The Office of the Information Commissioner (ICO)
The ICO is responsible for enforcing data protection laws, including the GDPR.



2. Mediation Services


Consumer law disputes can be effectively managed through mediation, a voluntary process where a neutral third party, the mediator, facilitates discussions between the disputing parties to help them achieve a mutually agreeable solution. This alternative dispute resolution method is particularly advantageous as it is generally less expensive and faster than going through formal court proceedings.

Mediation offers a confidential setting, ensuring that sensitive information remains private, which is especially pertinent in consumer law cases where personal data or business reputations might be involved.

Additionally, the flexibility of mediation allows for more creative solutions tailored to the specific needs of the consumers and businesses involved, which might not result from the more constrained parameters of court rulings.

Mediation providers include:


a. Civil Mediation Council (CMC): National organisation providing a directory of accredited mediators.

b. LawWorks Mediation Service: Offers free mediation services to individuals and not-for-profits in England and Wales for those with income below £30,000 and limited savings.

c. National Mediation Helpline: Government-funded service directing users to local mediation services.


Mediation proves particularly effective in consumer disputes involving faulty goods, substandard services, or unfair contracts; mediation offers a platform for negotiation and resolution. It is also beneficial in resolving financial disputes that may arise in banking, insurance, or investments, where both parties seek a swift and equitable solution.

Additionally, mediation may be suitable for addressing issues in the holiday and travel sectors, such as cancellations, delays, or disputes over unfair fees.


3. Small Claims Court


The Small Claims Court is designed specifically for handling low-value claims, typically those not exceeding £10,000. This court offers an affordable option with lower court fees compared to other legal proceedings, making it accessible for more individuals.

It offers a simplified process that accommodates individuals who may not have legal representation, allowing them to manage their cases more straightforwardly.

The Small Claims Court is also known for its efficiency, with most claims being resolved within six months, providing a quicker resolution to disputes than might be achieved through more traditional legal channels.

This system effectively helps reduce the legal burden on parties by facilitating a faster and less costly resolution.

The Small Claims Court in the UK is well-suited for a variety of consumer disputes that require a straightforward legal resolution, such as disputes over defective products, undelivered goods, or poor services rendered.

It can also handle contract disputes, including issues such as breaches of contract and unpaid debts.


Section G: Summary


In an increasingly complex consumer landscape, the market for consumer legal advice market is experiencing significant growth and transformation. This has been beneficial for consumers, who now have a greater choice in providers, as well as more resources than ever to better understand their rights.

If you believe your consumer rights have been compromised, don’t hesitate to seek assistance. Reach out to a reputable consumer lawyer who can guide you through the process or explore resources like Citizens Advice, Resolver, and Which? to better understand your rights and options.


Section H: FAQs


What can consumer law solicitors help with?

Consumer law solicitors assist with disputes related to purchases, services, and contracts. They provide legal advice on your rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and help in situations involving faulty goods, poor service, and unfair contract terms.


How do I know if I need a consumer law solicitor?

If you’re dealing with a significant issue like a major purchase gone wrong, an unresolved service complaint, or a contract dispute that you cannot settle through customer service or mediation, consulting a consumer law solicitor might be advisable.


What should I expect when working with a consumer law solicitor?

Expect the solicitor to review the facts of your case, advise on your legal rights and options, and represent you in negotiations or court proceedings if necessary. They can handle communications and legal filings on your behalf.


How much does it cost to hire a consumer law solicitor?

Costs can vary widely based on the complexity of the case and the solicitor’s rates. Some solicitors offer a free initial consultation and may take cases on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis but always confirm fee structures upfront.


Can a consumer law solicitor help with online purchases?

Yes, consumer law solicitors handle cases involving online purchases, which are also covered by consumer protection laws like the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013. They can help resolve issues related to non-delivery, product misrepresentation, and returns.


Section I: Glossary


Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): A range of processes, such as mediation and arbitration, that help parties resolve disputes without going to court.

Arbitration: A form of ADR where an impartial third party (arbitrator) makes a binding decision on a dispute.

Civil Mediation Council (CMC): A UK organisation that accredits and promotes the use of mediation in civil disputes.

Citizens Advice: A network of independent charities providing free, confidential, and impartial advice on consumer rights and other legal issues.

Class Action: A lawsuit filed by one or more individuals on behalf of a larger group of people who have suffered similar harm.

Competition and Markets Authority (CMA): A government agency responsible for promoting competition and protecting consumers from unfair business practices.

Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013: Legislation regulating online and distance sales, providing consumers with cancellation rights and information requirements.

Consumer Law: A body of law designed to protect the rights of consumers in transactions involving goods, services, or credit.

Consumer Law Solicitor: A legal professional specialising in consumer rights, contracts, data protection, and related disputes.

Consumer Ombudsman: An independent body that resolves complaints between consumers and businesses, usually at no cost to the consumer.

Consumer Rights Act 2015: A comprehensive law that consolidates and updates UK consumer rights legislation on goods, services, and digital content.

Data Breach: An incident involving unauthorised access to or disclosure of personal data.

Data Protection: The process of safeguarding personal information from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): EU legislation that strengthens data protection rights for individuals and imposes obligations on organisations processing personal data.

Legal Aid: Government funding that provides financial assistance for legal advice or representation to individuals unable to afford it.

Mediation: A voluntary form of ADR where a neutral third party (mediator) helps parties reach a mutually acceptable resolution.

Money Claim Online (MCOL): An online service that allows individuals to file a claim for money owed, usually up to £10,000.

No Win, No Fee: A payment arrangement where a lawyer only receives a fee if the client wins the case.

Pro Bono: Legal services provided free of charge to individuals who cannot afford them.

Resolver: A free online tool that helps consumers file complaints and resolve disputes with companies and organisations.

Small Claims Court: A section of the County Court that handles low-value claims, usually up to £10,000.

Trading Standards: Local authority departments that enforce consumer protection laws and investigate unfair business practices.

Which?: A consumer rights organisation offering advice, reviews, and legal assistance.


Section J: Additional Resources


UK Government

Trading Standards

Citizens Advice



The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)

Law Centres Network

Financial Ombudsman Service:



Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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