Finding the Best Commercial Property Solicitors

best commercial property solicitors


Commercial property solicitors play a pivotal role in the UK’s real estate market, ensuring that transactions involving commercial properties are legally sound, efficient, and tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses.

Their expertise is crucial for a range of activities, from buying, selling, and leasing commercial spaces to navigating complex planning laws and resolving property disputes.

Given the significant financial and legal implications of commercial property transactions, choosing the right solicitor can be a pivotal decision for businesses.

The guide provides:

• Practical advice on starting your search.
• Key attributes to look for in a solicitor.
• Tips on making an informed decision.

By highlighting how to assess a solicitor’s experience, expertise, and client service, you can be more informed when selecting a legal adviser who can best support your commercial property objectives in the dynamic UK market.


Section A: What to Look For When Choosing Commercial Property Solicitors


1. What does a Commercial Property Solicitor do?


A commercial property solicitor in the UK is a legal professional who specialises in the laws and regulations of commercial real estate. This includes a wide range of activities such as buying, selling, and leasing commercial properties, negotiating commercial property contracts, advising on property development, handling planning permissions, and resolving disputes related to commercial real estate.

These solicitors play a crucial role in ensuring that all legal aspects of commercial property transactions are conducted smoothly, in compliance with UK law, and with the client’s best interests in mind.

The role of a commercial property solicitor involves several key responsibilities:


a. Legal Due Diligence
Conducting thorough investigations to uncover any legal issues associated with a property that could affect the transaction.

b. Contract Negotiation and Drafting
Creating and reviewing contracts to ensure they are fair, legally binding, and reflect the client’s interests.

c. Regulatory Compliance
Ensuring all transactions comply with current UK laws, including planning regulations, building codes, and environmental laws.

d. Dispute Resolution
Representing clients in disputes related to commercial property, whether through litigation, arbitration, or negotiation.


2. The Importance of Choosing the Right Commercial Property Solicitor


The significance of choosing the right solicitor for commercial property matters cannot be overstated.

In the UK, where commercial property laws and regulations are constantly evolving, a knowledgeable and experienced commercial property solicitor is crucial. They navigate the legal landscape and provide strategic advice to ensure that commercial transactions are conducted efficiently, effectively, and with minimal risk. The right solicitor becomes an invaluable partner in achieving your commercial property objectives, whether you’re an investor, developer, landlord, or tenant in the UK’s dynamic real estate market.

The right solicitor can:


a. Safeguard Interests
Ensure your financial and legal interests are protected throughout the transaction or dispute resolution process.


b. Facilitate Smooth Transactions
Experienced solicitors can anticipate and address potential issues proactively, reducing delays and helping transactions proceed smoothly.


c. Offer Strategic Advice
Provide valuable insights and advice on the commercial property market, helping clients make informed decisions.


d. Mitigate Risks
Identify and mitigate legal and financial risks associated with commercial property transactions.


3. Key attributes in Commercial Property Solicitors


When seeking legal assistance for commercial property transactions or disputes in the UK, the specialisation and experience of your solicitor in commercial property law are paramount. These attributes are critical for several reasons, which underline the importance of choosing a solicitor with a strong background in this area.


a. Specialisation in Commercial Property Law
Commercial property law is a complex and nuanced field that encompasses various aspects, including but not limited to leasing, purchasing, selling, developing commercial properties, and resolving related disputes. Solicitors specialising in this area are equipped with specific knowledge and skills that enable them to navigate the legal landscape effectively.


b. Expertise in Relevant Legislation and Regulations
A specialised commercial property solicitor is well-versed in the UK’s laws and regulations governing commercial real estate, including planning laws, property finance, landlord and tenant law, and environmental regulations. This expertise ensures they can provide accurate and comprehensive legal advice tailored to the commercial property sector.


c. Tailored Legal Strategies
Solicitors who focus on commercial property law can develop legal strategies specifically tailored to the nuances of commercial transactions and disputes. Their specialisation enables them to anticipate potential issues and devise solutions that align with their client’s commercial objectives.


d. Experience in Commercial Property Law
Experience is another critical attribute to look for in a commercial property solicitor. Experienced solicitors have handled various cases and transactions, equipping them with the practical knowledge and insights needed to address complex issues and achieve favourable outcomes for their clients.


e. Track Record of Success
An experienced commercial property solicitor has a track record of successfully managing transactions and resolving disputes. This experience can reassure clients that their legal matters are in capable hands.


f. Industry Insights and Relationships

Experience in commercial property law also means that the solicitor has developed valuable industry insights and relationships. They may have established connections with other professionals in the field, such as surveyors, architects, and local authorities, which can be advantageous in facilitating transactions and resolving issues more efficiently.


4. The Importance of Finding a Solicitor with a Strong Background


Choosing a solicitor with both specialisation and experience in commercial property law is essential for several reasons:


a. Risk Mitigation
They can identify and mitigate risks associated with commercial property transactions and disputes, protecting your interests.


b. Strategic Advice
Specialised and experienced solicitors offer strategic advice to enhance your property’s commercial viability.


c. Efficiency and Effectiveness
Their expertise and familiarity with the commercial property sector can lead to more efficient and effective handling of your legal matters, saving time and resources.


d. Peace of Mind
Working with a solicitor who understands the complexities of commercial property law provides peace of mind, knowing that your legal issues are being addressed with a high level of competence.


Section B: How to Find Commercial Property Solicitors


1. Tips for Finding Commercial Property Solicitors


Identifying a solicitor who is not only skilled but also aligns with your needs and values is crucial for a successful commercial property transaction or dispute resolution.

Before you start your search, consider the following:


Define Your Needs
Before looking, be clear about what you need from a commercial property solicitor. Consider the nature of your property transaction or dispute, your budget, and any specific requirements you might have, such as expertise in a particular area of commercial property law.


Research and Shortlist
Compile a list of potential solicitors before researching each one further by visiting their firm’s website, reading about their experience, and looking for any client testimonials or case studies.

Platforms like The Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, and The Law Society’s “Find a Solicitor” service categorise solicitors by specialisation and location. These directories often provide rankings, reviews, and detailed profiles, helping you identify highly regarded commercial property solicitors.


Check for Accreditation
Look for solicitors with relevant accreditations, such as membership of the Law Society’s Property Section or accreditation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) in specific areas of property law. These accreditations can be a mark of quality and expertise.


Consider Location
While much of the communication can be done remotely, sometimes it’s beneficial to choose a conveniently located solicitor. This can be particularly important for documents that need to be signed in person or if you prefer face-to-face meetings.


2. Starting Your Search


Finding a skilled commercial property solicitor in the UK requires a structured approach to ensure you partner with a legal professional who understands your specific needs and can navigate the complexities of commercial property law.

Here’s an overview of how to commence your search, including practical tips for identifying a solicitor who can best serve your interests:


a. The Law Society of England and Wales
The Law Society of England and Wales offers resources to help you find a solicitor tailored to your needs. Their online database can be filtered by specialism, such as commercial property law and location, making finding reputable solicitors in your area easier. The Law Society also guides what to consider when choosing a solicitor, ensuring you make an informed decision.


b. Online Legal Directories
Legal directories are an excellent starting point for finding commercial property solicitors in the UK. Websites such as The Law Society’s “Find a Solicitor” directory, Chambers and Partners, and The Legal 500 provide comprehensive lists of solicitors and law firms, categorised by specialisation and location. These platforms often include detailed profiles, areas of expertise, and sometimes client reviews or rankings, giving you a good sense of what different solicitors offer.


c. Recommendations and Referrals
Word of mouth can be precious. Ask for recommendations from colleagues, friends, or family members recently engaged with commercial property solicitors. Industry contacts, such as real estate agents or financial advisors, can also provide referrals based on their professional interactions. Personal recommendations can offer insights into a solicitor’s approachability, efficiency, and success in handling commercial property matters.


d. Utilising Search Engines
Use targeted search queries to find solicitors with expertise in commercial property law. For instance, typing “commercial property solicitors in [Your City]” into a search engine can yield localised results, making finding relevant professionals in your area easier. Adding specific requirements, such as “commercial lease solicitor” or “commercial property dispute solicitor,” can further refine your search.

Solicitors at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) often have well-optimised websites, indicating they invest in their online presence. While this is a good starting point, remember that rankings don’t always correlate with the quality of service, so it’s essential to dig deeper.


e. Review Sites
Look for reviews on platforms like Google Reviews and Trustpilot. Positive feedback and high ratings indicate satisfied clients but read through the comments to understand the solicitor’s strengths and weaknesses.


f. Social Media and Professional Networks
Solicitors and law firms often use LinkedIn to showcase their expertise, share insights, and publish articles on commercial property law. Examining their profiles and activity can provide a sense of their reputation within the industry.

Many solicitors also use social media to share updates and legal insights and engage with their community. Their presence and interactions on these platforms can offer additional insights into their approachability and professionalism.


3. What to look for on Solicitors’ Websites


Evaluating law firms’ websites is crucial in finding the right commercial property solicitor in the UK. These websites often provide a wealth of information to help you assess whether a firm has the expertise and experience necessary to meet your needs.

Here’s what to look for on law firms’ websites when considering them for commercial property legal services:


a. Services and Specialisation
Explore the solicitor’s website to understand their range of services and areas of specialisation within commercial property law.

Look for detailed descriptions of the law firm’s services on commercial property. These can include lease negotiations, property acquisitions and disposals, property finance, planning and development, dispute resolution, and more. Also, look for case studies, client testimonials, and blog posts to assess the firm’s expertise and experience.

You may also want to determine whether the firm has experience in specific sectors relevant to your needs, such as retail, hospitality, industrial, or office spaces.


b. Accreditations and Awards
Recognitions such as Law Society accreditations or industry awards can indicate a solicitor’s standing and expertise in commercial property law.


c. Content Quality
A well-maintained website with up-to-date, informative content suggests a professional approach. Educational resources, such as guides on commercial property topics, can also demonstrate the solicitor’s knowledge and willingness to assist potential clients.


d. Case Studies and Success Stories
Law firms often showcase selected case studies or success stories on their websites. These can provide insights into the firm’s experience with similar cases or transactions to yours and demonstrate their ability to handle complex commercial property issues.

Some firms list representative clients or sectors they’ve worked with. This can give you an idea of their credibility and the scope of their expertise.


e. Client Testimonials and Reviews
Look for client testimonials on the firm’s website. Positive feedback from previous clients can strongly indicate the firm’s competence and client service quality.

Some firms link to or mention awards or rankings from independent legal directories like Chambers and Partners or The Legal 500. These can provide an unbiased view of the firm’s standing in the legal community.


f. Solicitors’ Profiles
Review the profiles of the solicitors within the commercial property department. Look for information about their qualifications, years of practice, areas of specialisation, and any notable achievements or accreditations.

Check if the solicitors are involved in professional associations or have contributed to publications on commercial property law. This can indicate a high level of expertise and engagement with their specialism.


g. Transparency and Information Accessibility
While not all firms disclose their fee structures online, some may provide information on how they charge (hourly rate, fixed fees for certain services, etc.) or mention offering initial consultations. Transparency about fees is a positive sign.

A law firm that offers accessible resources, such as guides, blogs, or newsletters on commercial property topics, demonstrates a commitment to client education and service.


h. User Experience and Contact Information
The website should be easy to navigate, allowing you to find relevant information quickly and efficiently.

Ensure the firm provides clear contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers, and office locations. The availability of a contact form or live chat feature can also enhance accessibility.


4. Client Testimonials and Case Studies

Client testimonials and case studies are invaluable when evaluating commercial property solicitors’ capabilities and service quality in the UK. They offer tangible evidence of a solicitor’s track record, expertise, and the level of client satisfaction they have achieved.


a. Client Testimonials

Testimonials from previous clients give a firsthand account of their experiences working with a solicitor or law firm. They can highlight several aspects:

Quality of Service: Testimonials often reflect on the quality of service provided, including responsiveness, attention to detail, and the solicitor’s ability to communicate complex legal concepts understandably.
Professionalism and Approachability: Clients may comment on the solicitor’s professionalism, approachability, and overall experience of the service received. This can be crucial for establishing trust.
Outcome Satisfaction: Testimonials can indicate whether clients were satisfied with the outcomes of their commercial property transactions or disputes, directly indicating the solicitor’s effectiveness.


b. Case Studies

Case studies provide a comprehensive overview of specific cases or transactions the solicitor or law firm has handled. They are instrumental in illustrating:

Expertise in Action: Case studies demonstrate the solicitor’s expertise in action, showcasing their approach to solving complex commercial property issues and navigating legal challenges.
Range of Services: They can highlight the solicitor’s range of services and areas of specialisation within commercial property law, giving potential clients an understanding of their breadth of experience.
Success Stories: By detailing the strategies and outcomes achieved, case studies serve as success stories that can reinforce the solicitor’s capability to manage and succeed in similar cases.


c. Insights Provided by Testimonials and Case Studies

Track Record: Together, testimonials and case studies build a picture of the solicitor’s track record, providing evidence of their experience and success in handling commercial property matters.
Client Satisfaction: They offer insights into client satisfaction, not just in terms of successful outcomes but also in the quality of the client-solicitor relationship, communication, and overall service.
Problem-Solving Abilities: Case studies, in particular, can demonstrate the solicitor’s problem-solving abilities, showing how they navigate legal and commercial challenges to achieve their clients’ objectives.
Comparative Analysis: When evaluating multiple solicitors, testimonials and case studies can serve as a basis for comparison, helping distinguish between their strengths and areas of expertise.


5. Communication and Transparency


In commercial property transactions and disputes in the UK, clear, transparent communication between solicitors and their clients must be balanced, particularly concerning legal fees, processes, and expectations. This transparency is crucial for building trust, ensuring mutual understanding, and facilitating a smooth legal process. Here’s an overview of why each aspect is vital:


a. Legal Fees
Clear communication about legal fees is fundamental for several reasons:
Budget Planning: It allows clients to plan their budgets effectively, understanding from the outset the financial commitment involved in engaging a commercial property solicitor.
Avoiding Surprises: Transparent discussion of fees helps prevent unexpected costs, ensuring that clients are fully informed about what their legal representation will cost.
Value Perception: When solicitors are upfront about their fees and explain their rationale, clients are more likely to perceive the value in the services they receive, enhancing satisfaction.


b. Processes
Understanding the legal processes involved in commercial property matters is essential for clients, and clear communication in this area is vital:

Setting Realistic Expectations: Transparent explanations of the steps involved, from initial consultations to the conclusion of a transaction or dispute resolution, help set realistic expectations.
Client Engagement: When clients understand the process, they can engage more effectively, providing necessary information promptly and making informed decisions when required.
Reducing Anxiety: The legal system can be complex and intimidating. Clear communication demystifies the process, reducing client anxiety and building confidence in their legal representation.


c. Expectations
Managing expectations is another critical aspect of the solicitor-client relationship:

Outcome Clarity: Solicitors should communicate clearly about the possible outcomes of a case, including best and worst-case scenarios. This ensures clients are prepared for various eventualities.
Timelines: Providing realistic timelines for how long processes might take helps manage client expectations and reduces frustration with inevitable legal delays.
Communication Channels: Establishing preferred methods and frequencies of communication (e.g., email updates regular calls) ensures both parties are on the same page and satisfied with the level of contact.


d. The Role of Transparency in Building Trust

Foundation of Trust: Transparency in communication is the foundation of trust in the solicitor-client relationship. Trust is crucial for a successful partnership, particularly in the often complex and high-stakes realm of commercial property law.
Informed Decision Making: Clients who receive clear, transparent information are better equipped to make informed decisions throughout their legal matters.
Long-term Relationships: Transparency benefits the immediate transaction or case and lays the groundwork for long-term relationships. Satisfied clients are more likely to return for future legal needs and recommend the solicitor to others.


6. Professional Accreditation and Recognition


In the UK, professional accreditation and recognition from reputable bodies such as The Law Society play a significant role in the legal profession, especially for commercial property solicitors. These accreditations are not just accolades; they represent a solicitor’s commitment to maintaining high standards of practice, expertise, and professionalism. Understanding the value of such accreditation is crucial for clients seeking legal assistance in commercial property matters for several reasons:


a. Assurance of Quality and Competence

Quality Assurance: Accreditation by professional bodies like The Law Society ensures that the solicitor or law firm meets rigorous standards of legal practice. It signifies that the solicitor has thoroughly assessed their skills, knowledge, and ethical practices.
Competence: Accredited solicitors are recognised for their competence in their field of specialisation. For commercial property law, this means a demonstrated expertise in handling complex property transactions, disputes, and legal advice.


b. Continuous Professional Development

Ongoing Learning: Solicitors who are members of professional bodies are often required to engage in continuous professional development (CPD) to maintain their accreditation. This ensures they are up-to-date with the latest legal developments, legislation changes, and commercial property law best practices.
Adaptation to Changes: The legal landscape is constantly evolving, especially in areas like commercial property. Solicitors who actively participate in CPD can better adapt to changes, offering clients current and informed advice.


c. Ethical Standards

Ethical Assurance: Accreditation bodies enforce strict ethical standards that solicitors must adhere to. This assures clients that their legal matters will be handled with integrity, confidentiality, and professionalism.
Accountability: Membership in a professional body means solicitors are accountable to that organisation’s ethical guidelines and disciplinary procedures. This offers an additional layer of protection for clients.


d. Client Confidence

Trust: Accreditation is a seal of approval that instils confidence in potential clients. Knowing that a professional body has recognised a solicitor can be a decisive factor for clients entrusting their commercial property matters to that solicitor.
Informed Decision-making: Understanding the significance of professional accreditation helps clients make informed decisions when selecting a commercial property solicitor. It allows them to differentiate based on recognised standards of excellence and commitment to professional growth.


e. Networking and Resources

Professional Network: Solicitors affiliated with professional bodies have access to a vast network of peers, allowing them to share knowledge, collaborate, and stay informed about industry trends.
Access to Resources: Membership often comes with access to exclusive resources, legal databases, and research tools that can enhance a solicitor’s ability to serve their clients effectively.


Section C: Preparing to Meet a Commercial Property Solicitor


Preparing effectively for your first consultation with a commercial property solicitor in the UK can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your legal matter.

Being well-prepared saves time and enables the solicitor to provide more accurate and tailored advice.

Additionally, asking the right questions can help you assess whether the solicitor fits your needs, ensuring that your commercial property matters are in capable hands.


1. Documents and Information to Prepare


a. Property Details

Property Documents: Bring any documents related to the property in question, such as deeds, leases, planning permissions, and previous correspondence regarding the property.
Financial Information: Financial statements or details related to the property’s purchase price, current market value, rental income, and any outstanding mortgage or loan details.
Planning and Development: If your matter involves planning or development, include any relevant planning permissions, applications, and correspondence with local planning authorities.


b. Legal Matters

Current Legal Status: Any legal documents or correspondence that relate to current disputes, challenges, or issues facing the property.
Previous Legal Advice: If you’ve sought legal advice, bring documentation of this advice and any steps taken so far.


c. Business Objectives

Your Goals: Be clear about what you aim to achieve with your commercial property, whether purchasing, selling, developing, leasing, or resolving a dispute. This helps the solicitor understand your priorities and tailor their advice accordingly.


2. Questions to Ask During Your Initial Meeting


a. Experience and Specialisation
• How much experience do you have with cases like mine?
• Do you specialise in any particular area of commercial property law?


b. Approach and Strategy
• What approach would you take to handle my case?
• Are there any potential issues you foresee in my case? How would you address them?


c. Communication and Management
• How will we communicate throughout the process?
• Who in your team will handle my case, and can I meet them?


d. Fees and Costs
• Can you estimate the costs, including your fees and additional expenses?
• How do you structure your fees? Is it an hourly rate, a fixed fee, or contingent upon outcomes?


e. timeline
• What is the expected timeline for resolving my matter?
• How often will I receive updates on the progress of my case?


f. Client References
Can you provide references from clients you’ve worked with on similar cases?


Section D: Making Your Decision


When deciding on a commercial property solicitor in the UK, several key factors should be considered to ensure your choice aligns with your needs and expectations.

Consider the following in your decision-making process:


1. Expertise and Specialisation


a. Relevant Experience
Look for a solicitor with a strong track record in commercial property law, specifically in areas relevant to your needs (e.g., leasing, development, disputes).


b. specialisation
Choose a solicitor who specialises in commercial property law, as this indicates a deeper understanding and focus on the complexities of the field.


2. Cost and Fee Structure


a. transparency
Ensure the solicitor is transparent about their fees and structure, whether an hourly rate, a fixed fee for specific services, or contingent upon outcomes.


b. Value for Money
Consider not just the cost but also the value provided. The cheapest option may only sometimes offer the breadth and depth of services you need.


3. Location


a. accessibility
While much legal work can be done remotely, consider the solicitor’s location, especially if you prefer face-to-face meetings or if the property is local to a specific area.


b. Local Knowledge
A solicitor with local expertise might have valuable insights into regional market trends and local planning regulations.


4. Communication and Responsiveness


a. Clarity
Look for a solicitor who communicates clearly and without unnecessary legal jargon, making complex legal concepts understandable.


b. responsiveness
Your solicitor should communicate with you promptly, keeping you informed throughout the process.


5. Client Reviews and Testimonials


a. Client Satisfaction
Look for feedback from previous clients to gauge their satisfaction with the solicitor’s services, particularly in handling cases similar to yours.


b. Recommendations
Personal recommendations from trusted sources can also be a valuable indicator of a solicitor’s reliability and quality of service.


6. Personal Comfort Level


a. Rapport
It would help if you felt comfortable with your solicitor, as you’ll need to discuss sensitive and potentially complex issues.


b. trust
Trust in your solicitor’s advice and integrity is crucial. You should feel confident in their ability to represent your interests effectively.


7. Take Your Time


Embarking on commercial property transactions or resolving disputes can be complex and challenging. It is important to take the time to find a solicitor who meets your technical needs and aligns with your values and expectations.

The effort you put into selecting the right commercial property solicitor can significantly affect the outcome of your legal matters.


FAQ: Hiring Commercial Property Solicitors in the UK


Q1: Why do I need a commercial property solicitor?

A commercial property solicitor specialises in the legal aspects of buying, selling, leasing, and managing commercial property. Their expertise ensures that transactions comply with UK law, protects your interests, and helps you effectively navigate any disputes or legal challenges.


Q2: How do I start searching for a commercial property solicitor?

Begin by utilising online legal directories like The Law Society’s “Find a Solicitor,” seeking recommendations from your network and conducting online searches with specific keywords related to your needs. Evaluating law firms’ websites and reading client testimonials can provide valuable insights.


Q3: What key attributes should I look for in a commercial property solicitor?

Look for specialisation in commercial property law, experience with cases similar to yours, positive client testimonials, clear and transparent communication skills, and professional accreditation from recognised bodies like The Law Society.


Q4: Why is professional accreditation important?

Accreditation signifies that a solicitor or law firm meets high professionalism, competence, and ethical practice standards. It assures quality and commitment to continuous professional development.


Q5: What documents and information should I prepare for my first consultation?

Prepare property documents, financial information related to the property, relevant legal correspondence, and a clear outline of your objectives. Also, consider any questions about their experience, approach, and fees.


Q6: How do I evaluate a solicitor’s experience and track record? 

Examine the solicitor’s or law firm’s website for case studies, client testimonials, and information on their areas of expertise. Professional accolades and memberships in legal organisations can also indicate experience and credibility.


Q7: What questions should I ask during the initial consultation?

Inquire about their commercial property law experience, approach to cases like yours, fee structures, estimated timelines, and how they will communicate updates. Asking for client references can also be beneficial.


Q8: How important is the location of the commercial property solicitor? 

While much can be done remotely, a solicitor with local knowledge can provide insights into regional market trends and planning regulations. However, expertise and compatibility should take precedence over location.


Q9: What role does communication play in my relationship with a solicitor?

Effective communication is vital for setting expectations, keeping you informed about your case’s progress, and ensuring you are comfortable with your solicitor’s approach to legal matters.


Q10: How do I make my final decision on which commercial property solicitor to hire? 

Consider factors like specialisation, experience, communication style, cost, and your comfort level with the solicitor. Trust and Rapport are also crucial for a successful partnership.


Q11: Can I change solicitors if I’m unsatisfied with their service?

Yes, you are entitled to change solicitors if you feel your needs are not being met. However, consider discussing your concerns with them first, as issues may be resolved through better communication or clarification of services.


Legal disclaimer


The matters contained in this article are intended to be for general information purposes only. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor is it a complete or authoritative statement of the law, and should not be treated as such. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information is correct, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and no liability is accepted for any error or omission. Before acting on any of the information contained herein, expert legal advice should be sought.



Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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