Spousal Maintenance Rules

spousal maintenance

When a married couple or civil partners separate, it is not uncommon for the financially weaker spouse or partner to seek regular payments from their ex to help with living costs. The following comprehensive guide to spousal maintenance for separating couples looks at the key aspects of this form of financial arrangement, from what this […]

Form E Divorce Financial Statements: Everything You Need to Know

form e

Courts rely on financial disclosures when determining financial remedies in divorce and dissolution of civil partnership proceedings. This guide to the Form E explains what Form E is, what information it requires parties to disclose, and the potential consequences of lying on Form E, including the consequences of lying about cohabiting on Form E. What […]

Form D81 & Consent Orders

Form D81

Form D81 is used to provide information about divorcing parties’ financial situation in support of an application for a consent order. If you and your former spouse are able to agree on how to split your money and assets on divorce or civil partnership dissolution, you can avoid a contested hearing and the acrimony and […]

How Does Divorce Affect Your Pension?

divorce pension

When it comes to divorce or civil partnership dissolution, all financial assets have to be put out in the open, and this includes all pensions you and your ex-partner have built up. Pensions are a valuable asset, particularly for older people who have amassed sizeable funds, so it will be vital to understand how they will […]

What is a Mesher Order?

There are many ways the family home can be dealt with as part of divorce proceedings. One such outcome is a Mesher Order, or an order for deferred sale. A Mesher Order is a court order delaying the sale of the matrimonial home when a couple are divorcing. Under a Mesher Order, the property is […]

What is Ancillary Relief?

Getting a divorce or dissolving a civil partnership can be an extremely difficult time for all parties involved, not least sorting out the financial aspects of your separation. Any financial arrangements will need to be approved, if not resolved, by the courts though the process of ‘ancillary relief’. This basic guide to ancillary relief provides […]

Pensions and Divorce – How Will I Be Affected?

Under the Pensions Act 1995, it is a mandatory requirement that pensions are taken into consideration in a divorce. For many, their pension may be one of the highest value assets they own. As such, the degree to which a divorce will affect a pension will often be of great concern to divorcing couples, particularly […]

What is a Clean Break Order?

A Clean Break Order is used to legally terminate future financial obligations or responsibilities between a couple that is divorcing or dissolving their civil partnership. They offer a legal way for parties to move on without the concern of any future claim on their assets from their ex-spouse. While the Decree Absolute will formally end the marriage, […]

Sears Tooth Agreement (and Funding Your Divorce!)

sears tooth agreement

8 minute read Last updated: 13th August 2019 Under the current legal framework, the question of how to pay the legal fees for your divorce case can be a source of real anxiety. You may even be questioning whether you can afford representation. A number of legal bodies, courts, solicitors and banks have come up […]